Thank you Robert for bringing the discussion back to the github issues.

Robert writes:

> In particular:
>    - does it include support for templating (as per 
> openconfig-netmod-opstate-01 section 7.3.)?
>    - is it allowed to represent system created objects that have no 
> corresponding configuration?
> Requirement 1.D states

     D.  For asynchronous systems, when fully synchronized, the data
           in the applied configuration is the same as the data in the
           intended configuration.

> So, if this requirement statement stands as being valid (which I think it 
> should) then that would imply that the answer for both the two issues above 
> must be "no".  The only question would be whether these need to be explicitly 
> listed out?

[KENT] so I think I have to (begrudgingly) agree with your logic.    I have 
heard the operators state that they want the intended/applied comparison to be 
drop-dead simple.  To that end, it would not be possible to flatten templates 
or apply defaults, or make any other change - it needs to be as close as 
possible to a carbon-copy of the original intended configuration (where 
deviations are allowed only for cases like a missing line-card).  To this end, 
yes, I think that we could tack on a statement like the following:

That is, the intended configuration is a subset of the applied
configuration where omissions are only due to when the
configuration cannot be applied (e.g., a missing line-card).

What do you think?

>>  - how does it relate to the state of the system after a equivalent 
>> synchronous config commit (if at all)?
> Again, I think that definition of requirement 1.D, along with the proposed 
> definition of synchronous configuration operation vs asynchronous 
> configuration operation, will provide a sufficient answer to this question.  
> I.e. that the state of the system after an asynchronous config operation 
> must, when fully synchronized, be the same as the state of the system after 
> an equivalent synchronous configuration operation completes and replies back.

[KENT] I agree with this, but I think it impacts issue #6 more so than issue #4 
- right?


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