Hi Kent,

Here my proposals

   3.  Support for both synchronous and asynchronous configuration
       operations (see terms)

       A. A server may only support synchronous configuration
          operations, or may only support asynchronous configuration
          operations, or may support synchronicity to be client
          specified on a per-operation basis.

NEW   A. The way a server executes an operation (synchronous or asynchronous) 
is implementation specific and may change on a per-operation basis.

       C. Support for synchronous configuration operations
          requires the server to block sending a response to
          the client until it is able to able to determine whether
          there are any errors in the request or errors from
          applying the configuration change.

NEW (changed OR into AND)
       C. Support for synchronous configuration operations
          requires the server to block sending a response to
          the client until it is able to able to determine whether
          there are any errors in the request and errors from
          applying the configuration change.

       D. Support for asynchronous configuration operations
          requires the server to send a response to the client
          immediately indicated that the request was accepted
          and send a notification to the client when the intended
          config is fully effective or there are any errors from
          applying the configuration change.
       E. Support for asynchronous configuration operations MAY
          also provide a verify operation which a client can request
          from the server to obtain information regarding the
          difference between the intended and applied configurations.

From: netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:netmod-boun...@ietf.org>> on 
behalf of Kent Watsen <kwat...@juniper.net<mailto:kwat...@juniper.net>>
Date: Monday 19 October 2015 15:22
To: Kent Watsen <kwat...@juniper.net<mailto:kwat...@juniper.net>>, Robert 
Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com<mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>>
Cc: "netmod@ietf.org<mailto:netmod@ietf.org>" 
Subject: Re: [netmod] opstate-reqs #3: Is there a requirement for asynchronous 
systems to provide a blocking config update?

I meant 3.D, and so did you I think when you wrote on the 16th "E.g.
change the 1.D text to..."

Sorry for the confusion.


On 10/19/15, 9:14 AM, "Kent Watsen" 
<kwat...@juniper.net<mailto:kwat...@juniper.net>> wrote:

Hi Rob,

I know there is an on-going discussion about the time-line of things, but
the draft needs to be posted today...  Can you help finalize the text?

Randy offers some good editorial suggestions below, and I believe you and
Gert had some ideas in wordsmithing 1.D. and bringing in error modes.


On 10/16/15, 11:29 PM, "Randy Presuhn" 

Hi -

From: Robert Wilton
Sent: Oct 16, 2015 5:12 AM
To: Kent Watsen , Nadeau Thomas
Cc: "netmod@ietf.org<mailto:netmod@ietf.org>"
Subject: Re: [netmod] opstate-reqs #3: Is there a requirement for
asynchronous systems to provide a blocking config update?
    Here is my attempt at word smithing section 3:
             A. A server may choose to support only synchronous
                operations, or only asynchronous configuration
operations, or
                both synchronous and asynchronous configuration
operations in
                a client specified per-operation basis.

Editorial comments:
  - is the "may" intended as a RFC 2119 MAY?  If so, this seems
    a semantically inappropriate use of the keyword.
  - please avoid unnecessary anthropomorphisms; the server doesn't
    "choose" anything here.
  - s/ in/ on/
  - s/client specified/client-specified/

          failed.  A configuration protocol, or server, SHOULD provide
          support for rollback-on-error behavior and MAY choose to
          provide support for best effort semantics as well.

Editorial comments:

  - The implications of the RFC 2119 SHOULD and MAY are quite different
    depending on which of the two subjects ("protocol" or "server") one
    chooses to think about.  The server's observable behaviour is
    circumscribed by the protocol, so I suggest removing ", or server,".

  - Please suppress anthropomorphisms.

  - s/best effort/best-effort/


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