
derived-from is defined as:

    boolean derived-from(node-set nodes,
                         string module-name,
                         string identity-name)
  The derived-from() function returns true if the first node in
  document order in the argument "nodes" is a node of type
  identityref, and its value is an identity that is derived from the
  identity "identity-name" defined in the YANG module "module-name";
  otherwise it returns false.

The "first node in the node set" doesn't work well with leaf lists.  I
suggest this change:


  The derived-from() function returns true if any node in
  the argument "nodes" is a node of type
  identityref, and its value is an identity that is derived from the
  identity "identity-name" defined in the YANG module "module-name";
  otherwise it returns false.

(and similar for derived-from-or-self)

As an example, consider this model:

   leaf-list yang-protocol {
     type identityref {
       base yang-protocol;

and this query:

   /modules/module[not derived-from-or-self(restricted-protocol,


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