On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 10:15:26AM +0100, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently, 6087bis says that standards-track, published and
> unpublished modules SHOULD use the URN prefix
> "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:".
> There are two issues with this:
>   1.  We already publish experimental modules w/ this prefix.
>       (ietf-netconf-time and ietf-complex-types).
>       So 6087bis should remove "standards track" from this
>       recommendation.

Well, the current text is silent about non-standards-track modules, so
there is not really a conflict. While searching through 6087, I think
it is more important to clarify the usage of 'publish'. One solution
would be to use 'publishing' when we talk about the publication of
RFCs and to use 'posting' when we talk about the posting of an
Internet-Draft. But yes, this is a different can of worms.

>   2.  There was some discussion about recommending a different URN
>       prefix for unpublished modules (i.e., modules in Internet
>       Drafts).
>       Should 6087bis recommend some special urn prefix for drafts,
>       with a note to the RFC editor to change the namespace once it
>       has been registered with IANA?

Do we have evidence that having such a rule makes the Internet work

> And another issue.  6087bis also has this:
> OLD: 
>   The following examples are for non-Standards-Track modules.
>   The domain "example.com" SHOULD be used in all namespace URIs
>   for example modules.
>       http://example.com/ns/example-interfaces
>       http://example.com/ns/example-system
> First of all, the sentence about non-Standards-Track modules is
> confusing.  Second, since the publication of RFC 6087, RFC 6963 has
> been published, which defines a URN for examples.  I suggest we update
> 6087bis like this:
> NEW:
>   Example modules in all types of documents SHOULD use a namespace
>   with either the example URN [RFC 6963] or the domain "example.com".
>   For example:
>       urn:example:interfaces
>       http://example.com/ns/example-system

Adopting urn:example makes sense to me.


Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>

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