
I didn't see any follow-up to these questions / comments. Any thoughts? 


> On 11 Dec 2015, at 12:54, William Lupton <> wrote:
> All,
> Here are some questions / comments from the Broadband Forum on RFC 6087bis-05.
> Thanks,
> William
> --------
> 1. Potentially confusing use of the term "prefix"
> Section 5.1 (Module Naming Conventions) talks about prefixes but in this 
> context means "strings at the beginning of module names" rather than YANG 
> prefixes that are the topic of Section 5.2. This could (and did!) cause 
> confusion.
> 2. Rules re changing submodule names
> Section 5.7 (Lifecycle Management) says that "The [...] submodule name MUST 
> NOT be changed, once the document containing the module or submodule is 
> published" but this might contradict RFC 6020 Section 11, which says "A 
> module may be split into a set of submodules, or a submodule may be 
> removed...".
> More specifically, 6020 doesn't mention renaming a submodule (so presumably 
> that's not permitted), but the mention of both splitting modules into 
> submodules AND removing submodules suggests that arbitrary module/submodule 
> refactoring is permitted. And if I'm being pedantic, revision #1 could have 
> submodule A1, revision #2 could remove it, and revision #3 could reintroduce 
> it as submodule A2, so that's effectively a rename!
> 3. References to RPCs need also to mention actions
> In most (or all?) places that RPCs are mentioned, presumably actions need to 
> be mentioned?
> 4. Implications of adding defaults
> Section 5.12 (Reusable Type Definitions) says that "If an appropriate default 
> value can be associated with the desired semantics, then a default statement 
> SHOULD be present". Is it correct that adding a default effectively adds a 
> MANDATORY requirement for a server to support the default value for that 
> node, and therefore to support the concept modelled by the node (albeit only 
> with the default behaviour)? Whereas if there were no default then there 
> would be no requirement at all to support the concept modelled by that node? 
> If so, then adding a default seems like something that shouldn't be done 
> lightly... or am I making too much of this?
> 5. Guidance re YANG features
> 6087 doesn't always refer to features consistently. For example Section 5.5 
> (Conditional Statements) says "If a data definition is optional, depending on 
> server support for a NETCONF protocol capability, then a YANG 'feature' 
> statement SHOULD be defined" (which seems to tie the "feature" concept to 
> NETCONF protocol capabilities), whereas Section 5.17 (Feature Definitions) 
> says "The YANG "feature" statement is used to define a label for a set of 
> optional functionality within a module". The latter description seems more in 
> keeping with the spirit of 6020, so perhaps the former text could be adjusted 
> to align with it?
> 6. Guidance re YANG deviations
> The 6020 discussion of deviations is mostly about implementing LESS rather 
> than MORE. Obviously the deviate statement's "add" argument is described (and 
> there is an example) but there seems to be no discussion that use of deviate 
> with "add" might be a GOOD thing.
> The 6087 discussion of deviations says that they can be useful for 
> documenting server capabilities but again the emphasis seems to be on 
> documenting implementing LESS rather than MORE.
> The result seems to be that deviations have a bad name. If indeed there are 
> accepted good uses of deviations then it would be good if this was made 
> clearer, both in 6020 and in 6087.

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