Robert Wilton <> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> On 26/01/2016 14:33, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
> > Robert Wilton <> wrote:
> >> Hi Juergen,
> >>
> >> Hopefully my explanations below help clarify.
> >>
> >> On 26/01/2016 12:32, Juergen Schoenwaelder wrote:
> >>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 09:47:31AM +0000, Robert Wilton wrote:
> >>>> As I understand it, what you are proposing here is not what the
> >>>> section
> >>>> 4 requirements were intended to express.
> >>>>
> >>>> The section 4 requirements are meant to be at the YANG schema level,
> >>>> i.e. illustrating possible relationships between YANG schema
> >>>> nodes. E.g.
> >>>> for a particular interface IP address they wouldn't be able to
> >>>> indicate
> >>>> whether it was actually configured by explicit IP address
> >>>> configuration
> >>>> or due to DHCP.  They would only be able to tell which configurations
> >>>> nodes could influence a particular derived state node.
> >>> I am confused and I may not understand your example. My point is that
> >>> an operationally used IP address can be there for a variety of reasons
> >>> and the reasons depend on runtime state not on schema structure.
> >> Yes, exactly.
> >>
> >> But this requirements draft is based on the improvements that the
> >> operators would like to see to YANG/NETCONF/etc to make it easier for
> >> them to use/deploy.
> >>
> >> For this section 4 requirements, my understanding is that they are not
> >> asking to know why a particular operation node has a particular value,
> >> they are only asking for an indication of which configuration leaves
> >> could influence its value.  Solving the latter is easier and can be
> >> implemented at the schema level.
> >>
> >> To support my interpretation I recall that Rob Shakir, at the first
> >> Netmod WG meeting IETF 94, indicated that their proposed opstate
> >> solution draft (e.g. draft-openconfig-netmod-opstate-01) met all the
> >> opstate requirements.  Their draft doesn't have any mechanism to
> >> indicate why a particular state leaf has a particular value, but it
> >> does provide a schema level relationship between the configuration and
> >> operation state nodes - i.e. the co-located config and state
> >> containers that they consistently use throughout the OpenConfig
> >> schema.
> >>
> >>>> I think that there are a couple of cases where this relationship is
> >>>> useful:
> >>>> (1) If you modify a config node, it allows the client to know (in
> >>>> advance) which derived state nodes may be affected and hence should be
> >>>> retrieved to confirm the change.
> >>>> (2) Conversely, if a derived state note has an unexpected value, it
> >>>> allows a client to know which configuration nodes it should retrieve
> >>>> to
> >>>> try and infer what the cause of the value is.
> >>>>
> >>>> If I understand your proposal, then what you are proposing is
> >>>> meta-data
> >>>> annotations of the derived state nodes in the data tree. I.e. the
> >>>> annotations would allow you to tell you whether a particular interface
> >>>> IP address had that value due to explicit IP address configuration or
> >>>> because it was allocated by DHCP.  I agree that this is useful, but I
> >>>> think that it is very hard to implement (on the systems that I'm
> >>>> familiar with) and is also beyond the requirement as originally stated
> >>>> by the opstate requirements draft.
> >>> I agree its hard to implement in general but I am not sure why the
> >>> other proposal would be any simpler to implement. Your instrumentation
> >>> is either able to keep track of 'why something has a certain value' or
> >>> it is not.
> >> I'm saying that there is no requirement (at least from the opstate
> >> draft) to generally track "why something has a certain value" at all.
> >>
> >>
> >>>> As such, I think that we should restrict the scope of the requirements
> >>>> draft (and proposed solutions) to YANG schema level annotations that
> >>>> are
> >>>> easier to solve.  If you agree, then do we need to tweak the text of
> >>>> requirement 4 to make this explicit?
> >>> But this approach requires to partition things artificially. For
> >>> example, I can't have a simple list of IP addresses used by the
> >>> interface anymore but instead I need to have a list of IP address
> >>> coming from static config, a list of IP addresses coming from DHCP, a
> >>> list of IP addresses coming from SLAAC and so on. I seriously can't
> >>> imagine that debugging network configurations becomes simpler if we
> >>> spread around the information one needs to look at in several branches
> >>> of the data model. [I hope I completely misunderstand requirement 4.]
> >> I don't think that they are asking/suggesting separate lists of
> >> operational IP addresses.
> >>
> >> Taking the OpenConfig IP YANG model as an example
> >> (
> >>
> >> They have a list of IP addresses.  Each entry contains:
> >>   - the configured IP address (if any),
> >>   - the operational IP address,
> >>   - an enum indicating the source of the operational IP address value
> >>   - (static, dhcp, link_layer, random or other).
> > I assume you refer to this list:
> Yes.
> >
> >        list address {
> >          key ip;
> >          description
> >           "The list of configured IPv4 addresses on the interface.";
> >
> >          leaf ip {
> >            type leafref {
> >              path "../ocip:config/ocip:ip";
> >            }
> >            description "References the configured IP address";
> >          }
> >
> >          container config {
> >            description "Configuration data for each configured IPv4
> >            address on the interface";
> >
> >            uses ipv4-config-address;
> >          }
> >
> >          container state {
> >
> >            config false;
> >            description "Operational state data for each IPv4 address
> >            configured on the interface";
> >
> >            uses ipv4-config-address;
> >            uses ipv4-state-address;
> >          }
> >
> >        }
> >
> >
> >
> > Note how the key contains the "configured IP address" (and it is a
> > config true list).   So this list cannot contain addresses that are
> > not configured.
> OK, yes.  I had missed that.
> I presume that they would ideally like this list to contain all IP
> addresses on an interface whether configured or operational. Otherwise
> if it contains just the list of configured addresses then the "origin"
> leaf in the ipv4-state-address grouping seems pretty pointless since
> the only sane value that it could hold is STATIC :-)

Exactly.  This is the core of the problem with their models, imo.

> I suspect that this issue ties back to sections 8.1.2 and 9.2 of
> (text reproduced below) where they would like the YANG schema to have
> a combined list of configured and state entries.

Like SNMP tables...

> 8.1.2.  Handling lists
>    In YANG 1.0, lists have requirements that complicate the creation of
>    the parallel configuration and state data structures.  First, keys
>    must be children of the list; they cannot be further down the data
>    hierarchy within a subsequent container.  For example, the
>    'interface' list cannot be keyed by /interfaces/interface/config/
>    name.  Second, YANG requires that the list key is part of the
>    configuration or state data in each list member.
>    We consider two possible approaches for lists:
>    1.  list keys appear only at the top level of the list, i.e., not
>        duplicated under the 'config' or 'state' containers within the
>        list
>    2.  the data represented by the list key appears in the config and
>        state containers, and a key with type leafref is used in the top
>        level of the list pointing to the corresponding data node in the
>        config (or state) container.

This doesn't solve the problem; it just creates a more complex model.

>    Option 1 has the advantage of not duplicating data, but treats the
>    data item (or items) that are keys as special cases, i.e., not
>    included in the config or state containers.  Option 2 is appealing in
>    that configurable data always appears in the config container, but
>    requires an arguably unnecessary key pointing to the data from the
>    top level of the list.
>    Appendix C shows a simple example of both options.
> 9.2.  YANG lists as maps
>    YANG has two list constructs, the 'leaf-list' which is similar to a
>    list of scalars (arrays) in other programming languages, and the
>    'list' which allows a keyed list of complex structures, where the key
>    is also part of the data values.  As described in Section 8.1.2, the
>    current requirements on YANG list keys require either duplication of
>    data, or treating some data (i.e., those that comprise list keys) as
>    a special case.  One solution is to generalize lists to be more like
>    map data structures found in most modern programming languages, where
>    each list member has a key that is not required to part of the
>    configuration or state data, and also not subject to existing
>    "config-under-state limitations.  This allows list keys to be
>    arbitrarily defined by the user if desired, or based on values of
>    data nodes.  In the latter case, the specification of which data
>    nodes are used in constructing the list key could be indicated in the
>    meta-data associated with the key.

I don't understand how this would solve the problem either, but in any
case, I don't think this idea has been presented in greater detail, so
I am not sure how it would actually work.


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