
RFC 6020bis says “The ABNF grammar [RFC5234] [RFC7405] defines the canonical 
order. To improve module readability, it is RECOMMENDED that clauses be entered 
in this order.”

The ABNF places linkage-stmts (import, include) before meta-stmts 
(organization, contact, description, reference) but if there are a lot of 
linkage statements (which will be the case in the main module if there are a 
large number of submodules… as there are for some of the modules that BBF is 
defining) this means that the description can be a fair way down the module.

Would there be any support for regarding placement of the meta statements 
before the linkage statements as not being a violation of canonical order? Note 
(this might be inadvertent) that the ABNF actually defines “meta-stmts” before 

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