Radek Krejčí <rkre...@cesnet.cz> writes:

> Hi,
> I think that the default approach should be to expect that, until explicitly 
> stated, the imported module is just imported, not implemented. But it is fine 
> to me to add an option to force the implemented flag on all the modules. 
> Benoit can then use the flag in his scripts.
> However, I checked RFC 7950 again, and I would like to have a feedback from 
> the NETMOD group to the section 7.1.5, that states that
> "the importing module may:
> ...
>    o  use any node in the imported module's schema tree in "must",
>       "path", and "when" statements, or as the target node in "augment"
>       and "deviation" statements."

Strictly speaking, this is incorrect. XPath expressions do not refer to
schema nodes but rather to nodes/nodesets in an instance data tree.

> I'm interested in "must" and "when". I'm not sure why it is mentioned
> here, because, in contrast to "path", "augment" and "deviation",

Actually, the argument of "path" is also a (simplified) XPath expression.

> "when" and "must" contain XPath expression, so actually even not
> defined schema node can be used in it (and this is the reason why
> yanglint does not complain with error, but just with warning). Of
> course, the result is then always false (ok, depending on the rest of
> the expression, but it simply does not depend on the data
> presence). And this is the reason to have it at least as warning,
> because it is usually not the original intention of the author.

Agreed, Lada

> Regards,
> Radek
> Dne 7.3.2017 v 10:00 William Lupton napsal(a):
>> Could this be the default in the first of these two cases?
>> Usage:
>>     yanglint [options] [-f { yang | yin | tree }] <file>...
>>         Validates the YANG module in <file>, and all its dependencies.
>>     yanglint [options] [-f { xml | json }] <schema>... <file>...
>>         Validates the YANG modeled data in <file> according to the <schema>.
>>> On 6 Mar 2017, at 16:59, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com 
>>> <mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi William,
>>> I think that what yanglint is doing here is sane, i.e. I think that its 
>>> interpretation/split between imported vs implemented modules is supported 
>>> by the YANG RFC.
>>> However, for validation purposes it seems that it would be useful if 
>>> yanglint had an option to assume that all imported modules are implicitly 
>>> implemented without requiring them to be explicitly specified.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rob
>>> On 06/03/2017 16:44, William Lupton wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> This message arose from a yang-multic...@ietf.org 
>>>> <mailto:yang-multic...@ietf.org> “draft-ietf-pim-igmp-mld-yang-02.txt: 
>>>> YANG compilation isuse” (sic) thread 
>>>> <https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/yang-multicast/current/threads.html#00232>
>>>>  initiated by Benoit.
>>>> I thought it would be useful for NETMOD to see the part of the discussion 
>>>> that relates to implemented versus imported YANG modules.
>>>>  1. Benoit Claise reported this warning:
>>>>       * warn: Schema node "ietf-ip:ipv4" not found 
>>>> (/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ietf-interfaces:interface[ietf-interfaces:name
>>>>  = current()]/ietf-ip:ipv4)
>>>>  2. Radek Krejčí replied:
>>>>       * These warnings are printed because in yanglint, until explicitly 
>>>> stated, the imported modules (such as ietf-interfaces and ietf-ip), are 
>>>> supposed to be only imported, not implemented. The data nodes in imported 
>>>> schemas are not available, which is the reason of these warnings.
>>>>  3. William Lupton (that’s me!) asked / commented:
>>>>       * Why are the complaints only about ip:ipv4 (etc) and not about 
>>>> if:interfaces (etc), which are also referenced in the must statements?
>>>>       * This makes it hard for an automated tool (such as Benoit’s) 
>>>> because it needs to know which other YANG files to process in addition to 
>>>> the “file of interest”.
>>>>  4. Radek Krejčí replied:
>>>>       * According to RFC 7950, sec 5.6.6 (3rd paragraph) [ED: 5.6.5?], 
>>>> when an implemented module augments another module (ietf-interfaces), the 
>>>> augmented module MUST be also implemented. So libyang automatically 
>>>> changes the augmented module from imported to the implemented. The same 
>>>> rule applies also in case of referring a module in path (leafref) and by 
>>>> deviating a module. But it does not apply when a module data is used in 
>>>> must or when conditions. That's the reason why it complains just about 
>>>> ietf-ip and not about ietf-interfaces.
>>>>       * YANG actually does not provide a way to specify that a particular 
>>>> import is also expected to be implemented. Therefore, libyang needs some 
>>>> help with setting modules implemented - all the explicitly loaded modules 
>>>> are supposed to be implemented, if the module is just implicitly loaded 
>>>> from the search directory and user did not expressed that it is supposed 
>>>> to be implemented, it is kept only imported to provide groupings or type 
>>>> definitions
>>>>  5. Benoit Claise asked (referring to my reference to automated tools):
>>>>       * Would it be possible to improve the warning (and the related test, 
>>>> by testing implemented instead of import), basically telling that the 
>>>> module itself is fine?
>>>> I’m interested to know that NETMOD thinks about this distinction between 
>>>> implemented versus imported (in the absence of any instance documents). I 
>>>> guess my (maybe naive) view is that if all I’m doing is checking for 
>>>> errors in my YANG model then I don’t care about this. If my YANG is good I 
>>>> want to see no warnings or errors, and if it’s bad then I want to be told 
>>>> this (and why).
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> William
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