
We're trying to solve a modularity problem with a YANG module by splitting it 
into submodules and augmenting the parent module from each submodule.  However, 
despite the wording below in YANG 1.0 section 7.15, we've found a couple of 
threads online with comments suggesting it's only allowed in YANG 1.1?  Would 
appreciate clarification.

RFC 6020 section 7.15 suggests it is allowed:

   The "augment" statement allows a module or submodule to add to the
   schema tree defined in an external module, or the current module and
   its submodules, and to add to the nodes from a grouping in a "uses"

Versus online comments here: 

'> On 01 Mar 2016, at 10:38, Anton Tkáčik <anton.tkacik at pantheon.tech> wrote:


> Hi,

> Noticed other issue with example set,

> In https://github.com/mbj4668/pyang/issues/194 Lada stated that in YANG 1.0 
> submodule can not augment nodes

> defined in parent model.


> Is that correct that submodule can not augment definition defined in parent 
> module?

This isn't possible in YANG 1.0 but will be possible in 1.1. However, in the 
present case the definition being augmented from the submodule is arguably in a 
different module.




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