

Just to get confirmation on my assumptions:

In section 4.7.3 the origin metadata does not include 'running' as origin
but only 'intended'.  So it seems to be mandatory for a NC server to support
the intended datastore?


With the introduction of the operational datastore I assume it also means
that when someone wants to know what the client has configured on the device
a get-config on the running datastore is required while to know the 'in-use'
configuration a get(-config) on the operational datastore is required?


The Guidelines for YANG Module Authors (NMDA) - draft-dsdt-nmda-guidelines
mentions that a derived module can be generated from the YANG models where
state and config are merged in a single branch.  In the simple example this
results in another YANG model with its own namespace.  I assume that this
state YANG model will then also show up in the hello message?


Best regards,


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