On 11/09/2017 18:31, Martin Bjorklund wrote:
Kent Watsen <kwat...@juniper.net> wrote:
As an author, I believe the draft is ready for publication.

Regarding Robert's editorial suggestions:

1) how moving "all" like this?  (i.e., must have same modules,
deviations, etc.)
-   datastores that all share exactly the same schema, allowing data to be
-   copied
+ datastores that share exactly the same schema, allowing all data to
be copied

Or just remove "all".
I also have a slight preference for just removing "all", but am also OK if it moves.


2) better, but I think we should expand "It" in the beginning of the
2nd paragraph
to "The intended configuration datastore".  Also, how about this for
the 3rd
paragraph instead?  (fixes a couple plurality issues and one
transition issue):

    The contents of <intended> are related to the 'config true'
    subset of <operational>, such that a client can determine to what
    extent the intended configuration is currently applied by checking
    whether the contents of <intended> also appear in <operational>.

3) I'm okay with this.
I agree that the proposed TOC changes are better.

4) This is better.



On 9/11/17, 11:22 AM, "Robert Wilton"
<rwil...@cisco.com<mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>> wrote:

As one of the authors, I would like to see a few minor editorial
updates, described below.  Otherwise I believe that the document is
ready for publication.

Proposed changes:

1. I think that the document could further emphasis that the schema
for all the conventional datastores must be the same.


4.5.  Conventional Configuration Datastores

    The conventional configuration datastores are a set of configuration
    datastores that share a common schema, allowing data to be copied
    between them.  The term is meant as a generic umbrella description of
    these datastores.  The set of datastores include:


4.5.  Conventional Configuration Datastores

    The conventional configuration datastores are a set of configuration
    datastores that all share exactly the same schema, allowing data to be
    between them.  The term is meant as a generic umbrella description of
    these datastores.  The set of datastores include:

2. I think that the description of the intended datastore could be
expanded to give a bit more clarity.


4.4.  The Intended Configuration Datastore (<intended>)

    The intended configuration datastore (<intended>) is a read-only
    configuration datastore.  It is tightly coupled to <running>.  When
    data is written to <running>, the data that is to be validated is
    also conceptually written to <intended>.  Validation is performed on
    the contents of <intended>.

    For simple implementations, <running> and <intended> are identical.

    <intended> does not persist across reboots; its relationship with
    <running> makes that unnecessary.



4.4.  The Intended Configuration Datastore (<intended>)

    The intended configuration datastore (<intended>) is a read-only
    configuration datastore.  It represents the configuration after all
    configuration transformations to <running> are performed (e.g.
    template expansion, inactive configuration removal), and is the
    configuration that the system attempts to apply.

    It is tightly coupled to <running>.  When data is written to
    <running>, the data that is to be validated is also conceptually
    written to <intended>.  Validation is performed on the contents of

    For simple implementations, <running> and <intended> are identical.

    The contents of <intended> is also related to the 'config true'
    subset of <operational>, and hence a client can determine to what
    extent the intended configuration is currently applied by checking
    whether the contents of <intended> also appears in <operational>.

    <intended> does not persist across reboots; its relationship with
    <running> makes that unnecessary.


3. I think that it may aid readability if the section on conventional
configuration datastores was moved above the description of the
individual conventional configuration datastores, which could then be
intended one level.  Best illustrated via the change to the table of

E.g. current TOC:

    4.  Architectural Model of Datastores . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
      4.1.  The Startup Configuration Datastore (<startup>) . . . . .   9
      4.2.  The Candidate Configuration Datastore (<candidate>) . . .  10
      4.3.  The Running Configuration Datastore (<running>) . . . . .  10
      4.4.  The Intended Configuration Datastore (<intended>) . . . .  10
      4.5.  Conventional Configuration Datastores . . . . . . . . . .  11
      4.6.  Dynamic Configuration Datastores  . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
      4.7.  The Operational State Datastore (<operational>) . . . . .  11
        4.7.1.  Remnant Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
        4.7.2.  Missing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
        4.7.3.  System-controlled Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
        4.7.4.  Origin Metadata Annotation  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

Proposed TOC:

    4.  Architectural Model of Datastores . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
      4.1.  Conventional Configuration Datastores . . . . . . . . . .   9
        4.1.1.  The Startup Configuration Datastore (<startup>) . . .  10
        4.1.2.  The Candidate Configuration Datastore (<candidate>) .  10
        4.1.3.  The Running Configuration Datastore (<running>) . . .  10
        4.1.4.  The Intended Configuration Datastore (<intended>) . .  11
      4.2.  Dynamic Configuration Datastores  . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
      4.3.  The Operational State Datastore (<operational>) . . . . .  12
        4.3.1.  Remnant Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
        4.3.2.  Missing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
        4.3.3.  System-controlled Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
        4.3.4.  Origin Metadata Annotation  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

4. Finally, I noticed one reference that could be improved, by
changing it from "(described below)" to a proper section reference:

< circumstances, e.g., an abnormal value is 'in use', or due to
<    configuration (described below).  Note, that deviations are still
    circumstances, e.g., an abnormal value is "in use", or due to remnant
    configuration (see Section 4.7.1).  Note, that deviations are still

On 01/09/2017 22:02, Lou Berger wrote:


This starts a two week working group last call on


The working group last call ends on September 17.

Please send your comments to the netmod mailing list.

Positive comments, e.g., "I've reviewed this document and

believe it is ready for publication", are welcome!

This is useful and important, even from authors.

Thank you,

Netmod Chairs

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