On 18/09/2017 17:03, Andy Bierman wrote:

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 8:34 AM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com <mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>> wrote:

    On 18/09/2017 15:21, Andy Bierman wrote:

    On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:28 AM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com
    <mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>> wrote:

        Hi Andy,

        At the moment, NMDA does not change the definition of
        <running> for a standards compliant implementation of
        YANG/NETCONF/RESTCONF.  It is still the same as in 7950, and
        <running> must still be a "valid configuration data tree" for
        a standards complaint implementation.

        However, the draft acknowledges that proprietary extensions
        exist that can modify the behaviour of <running> in ways that
        means that <running> is not always a valid configuration data
        tree.  The draft gives two examples of how <running> could be
        manipulated (inactive config, and templates).

    I don't see how NMDA can both acknowledge and violate the MUST be
    valid in RFC 7950.
    That statement is quite clear in RFC 7950.
    I think that NMDA acknowledges non standard extensions could exist
    that would violate RFC 7950 if/when those features are used, and
    provides a standard architecture (i.e. the definition of
    <intended>) to allow devices to expose the effects of those
    bespoke features in a standard way.

    Phil had proposed adding the following text on validation:

    +The implication of the existence of templating mechanisms is that
    +<running> is now explicitly allowed to be invalid, since the
    +templating mechanism may be supplying additional data that satisfies
    +constraints that may not be satisfied by <running> itself.

    Do you think that text like this would help?  Or perhaps more
    generically, something like this:

No.  I do not agree that the MUST in RFC 7950 can be removed.
I do not agree the architecture should update YANG at all.

So, can the NMDA draft just be silent about whether <running> is valid or not?  I.e. allowing the current statement in 7950 to stand.  That way if inactive or templating are standardized, and if the standard solution means that running is no longer always valid, then those drafts can update 7950 as appropriate.

The NMDA architecture can still specify <intended> and also still specify that it is always valid, and explain its relationship to <running> and <operational>.



    The implication of the existence of mechanisms that can allow
    <intended> to differ from <running> means that <running> is no
    longer guaranteed to always be valid.  However, when any
    change is made to <running>, <intended> must also be updated at
    the same time and be successfully validated before the operation
    on <running> can be completed.

    Obviously this would then need to update 7950.

        If those extensions are standardized then I think it is
        likely that those RFCs would need to update 7950 to indicate
        that <running> isn't necessarily a "valid configuration data
        tree" when those extensions are used.  But I don't think that
        needs to be stated in the NMDA architecture at this time.

     Right -- because 7950 still holds any any server that does not
    have a valid <running>
    is non-compliant to 7950.
    I agree.



        So, what is <intended>?
         - this is meant to represent the configuration that the
        system will actually attempt to apply after any and all
        manipulation (e.g. by templates, inactive removal, perhaps
        system scripts, etc) of the configuration has been performed.
         - it must always be a valid configuration data tree.
         - If <running> is updated then <intended> is always updated
        at the same time.  Hence, any successful change to <running>
        requires that <intended> has also been updated and
        validated.  E.g. in RESTCONF terms, I think that both
        <running> and <intended> should get the same last-change
        timestamp whenever <running> is updated.
         - It provides a known fixed point so that any client can see
        the full validated config, i.e. even for devices that
        implement proprietary manipulations of the configuring in
         - If the device doesn't support any extra proprietary config
        manipulations, then <intended> is identical to <running>.

        I think that we can possibly do a bit more to better define
        what <intended is>.  My previous suggestion as an improvement
        was below (perhaps you think it needs more clarification)?:


        4.4.  The Intended Configuration Datastore (<intended>)

           The intended configuration datastore (<intended>) is a
           configuration datastore.  It is tightly coupled to
        <running>. When
           data is written to <running>, the data that is to be
        validated is
           also conceptually written to <intended>.  Validation is
        performed on
           the contents of <intended>.

           For simple implementations, <running> and <intended> are

           <intended> does not persist across reboots; its
        relationship with
           <running> makes that unnecessary.



        4.4.  The Intended Configuration Datastore (<intended>)

           The intended configuration datastore (<intended>) is a
           configuration datastore.  It represents the configuration
        after all
           configuration transformations to <running> are performed (e.g.
           template expansion, inactive configuration removal), and
        is the
           configuration that the system attempts to apply.

           It is tightly coupled to <running>.  When data is written to
           <running>, the data that is to be validated is also
           written to <intended>. Validation is performed on the
        contents of

           For simple implementations, <running> and <intended> are

           The contents of <intended> is also related to the 'config
           subset of <operational>, and hence a client can determine
        to what
           extent the intended configuration is currently applied by
           whether the contents of <intended> also appears in

           <intended> does not persist across reboots; its
        relationship with
           <running> makes that unnecessary.



        On 17/09/2017 16:31, Andy Bierman wrote:

        My concern is that the definition of <running> is being
        changed to
        include undefined and undeclared proprietary extensions.
        This is counter-productive to the IETF's stated goal of


        On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 6:41 AM, Martin Bjorklund
        <m...@tail-f.com <mailto:m...@tail-f.com>> wrote:

            Andy Bierman <a...@yumaworks.com
            <mailto:a...@yumaworks.com>> wrote:
            > On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 12:24 AM, Juergen Schoenwaelder <
            > j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de
            <mailto:j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de>> wrote:
            > > On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 02:07:58PM -0700, Andy
            Bierman wrote:
            > > > Hi,
            > > >
            > > > I strongly agree with Tom that the current draft
            is an update to RFC
            > > 7950.
            > > > I also strongly disagree with the decision to omit
            RFC 2119 in a
            > > standards
            > > > track document. IMO RFC 2119 terms need to be used
            in normative text,
            > > > especially when dealing with XPath and YANG
            compiler behavior.
            > > >
            > >
            > > RFC 8174:
            > >
            > >    o  These words can be used as defined here, but
            using them is not
            > >       required. Specifically, normative text does
            not require the use
            > >       of these key words. They are used for clarity
            and consistency
            > >       when that is what's wanted, but a lot of
            normative text does not
            > >       use them and is still normative.
            > >
            > >
            > So what?
            > Existing YANG specifications use RFC 2119 terms.
            > This draft uses those terms, just with lower-case.

            Actually, section 5.1 XPath Context in the revised
            datastore draft
            uses the same language as section 6.4.1 XPath Context in
            RFC 7950.  In
            fact, the text in the draft is copied (and adjusted)
            from RFC 7950.


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