
This draft still isn't passing idnits.  I provided the link to idnits 
previously, but here it is again:  Below is 
the idnits output for -19 with inlined comments.

PS: I didn't also checked the other issues we're tracking, but will when we get 
past these idnits issues.


===== START =====
idnits 2.15.00 


  Checking boilerplate required by RFC 5378 and the IETF Trust (see

     No issues found here.

  Checking nits according to

     No issues found here.

  Checking nits according to :

  ** There is 1 instance of too long lines in the document, the longest one
     being 1 character in excess of 72.

Kent: this isn't a big deal IMO, but if it's easy to fix, it saves the RFC 
editor a step later on.

  Miscellaneous warnings:

  == Line 352 has weird spacing: '...gorithm    ide...'

Kent: this is fine.  it is in a tree diagram.

  == The document seems to lack the recommended RFC 2119 boilerplate, even if
     it appears to use RFC 2119 keywords -- however, there's a paragraph with
     a matching beginning. Boilerplate error?

     (The document does seem to have the reference to RFC 2119 which the
     ID-Checklist requires).

Kent: I can't find the error.  Looking at the xml, it is verbatim what I have 
in the zerotouch draft.  my guess is that this is a tooling error and we should 
ignore it.

  -- The document date (January 12, 2018) is 4 days in the past.  Is this

Kent: this is fine, it is intentional.

  Checking references for intended status: Proposed Standard

     (See RFCs 3967 and 4897 for information about using normative references
     to lower-maturity documents in RFCs)

  == Unused Reference: 'I-D.ietf-netconf-keystore' is defined on line 1386,
     but no explicit reference was found in the text

Kent: looking at the XML, I see that the entire paragraph uses '[' and ']' as 
opposed to <xref .../>.  Please fix this.

  == Unused Reference: 'RFC7895' is defined on line 1456, but no explicit
     reference was found in the text

Kent: looking at the XML, I see two instances of an unwanted "/&gt;" string.  
For instance: <xref target="RFC7895"/>/&gt;  Please fix this.

  ** Downref: Normative reference to an Historic RFC: RFC 6587

Kent: hmmm, what's going on here?  This YANG module is providing an ability to 
configure the "tcp" transport, even though the IESG made that ability historic 
in 2012 (see IESG Note below).  Searching online, it looks like Cisco supports 
this, but Juniper does not.  What about other vendors, is it widely supported?  
Was this discussed in the WG?  Answering my own question, searching my local 
mailbox, I don't see this ever being discussed before, other than Martin 
questioning if it was a good idea in Mar 2016 (no response).  Please start a 
thread on the list to get WG opinion if it's okay for the draft to proceed as 
is or not.  Here's the IESG Note from RFC 6587:

   IESG Note

   The IESG does not recommend implementing or deploying syslog over
   plain tcp, which is described in this document, because it lacks the
   ability to enable strong security [RFC3365].

   Implementation of the TLS transport [RFC5425] is recommended so that
   appropriate security features are available to operators who want to
   deploy secure syslog.  Similarly, those security features can be
   turned off for those who do not want them.

     Summary: 2 errors (**), 0 flaws (~~), 4 warnings (==), 1 comment (--).

     Run idnits with the --verbose option for more detailed information about
     the items above.
===== END =====

Kent // shepherd

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