Dean writes: "<snip/> At the end, if we need to we can revise to support future 

I write: "Just a clarification on your last sentence, my understanding is that 
a revision is necessary in order for schema-mount to work on NMDA-based 
servers.  Should we publish the current draft as is now, we're effectively 
committed to publishing an NMDA-update in the near-term anyways."

Lou's correcting me off-list.  He says that current solution can be used on 
NMDA servers, albeit with the with disclaimer that all non-inline schema must 
be the same for all datastores.  Okay, this lets some steam off, maybe we don't 
have to update it right away, Dean's statement is accurate.  But I imagine that 
we'll get around to it sooner or later, so it doesn't change there being an 
update at some point.  

I think what I'm missing is how big up an upset would it be?  Can the authors 
please sketch out what the NMDA-oriented update would look like?  Would it, for 
instance, manifest as a revision to the existing module or a new module and, if 
it were a new module, would it be possible for a server to implement both the 
old and new modules simultaneously without causing problems?


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