> On Nov 14, 2018, at 10:14 AM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> On 14/11/2018 13:46, Christian Hopps wrote:
>> Do you have similar objections over comments in CLI config files?
> No, not at all.
> But one difference here is that the tags are bound to modules, not to the 
> config, or config paths.

This has nothing to do with the point I am addressing that you and Alex raised 
regarding "Servers not using the tags so why should they store them".

The answer is:

1) B/c there's literally no where else they could be stored (no way for a 
vendor to add tags)
2) There are other examples of servers storing things they don't use like 
comments, so "server not using what it stores" isn't a reason to not store them 
on the server in the first place.

Regarding the rest. Maybe we should write a requirements draft and a use cases 
draft for the use of meta-data/tags for organizing things.

And maybe let's put this work on hold until we can find someone that is willing 
to do all that busy work.

I understand more and more why openconfig exists.


>>  Routers (the server) certainly don't use those and clients write them and 
>> read them -- yet they are stored on the server. Perhaps if you thought of 
>> there being more than just one client possible this might all make more 
>> sense?
> Yes, perhaps.
>> Regarding the yang library you keep bringing up. This was in the work 
>> originally and the WG decided that we should remove it.
> Sorry, I had missed the WG discussion where this was removed. But OK.
>>  I do not think the tail end of a WGLC is an appropriate time or place to 
>> start wondering out loud about whether it would be a good to have. I admit 
>> to being confused by this since I believe you were actively participating 
>> WRT this work when it had the yang library augmentation as well as after we 
>> removed it.
> My apologies, but I had intended to review this more thoroughly during the WG 
> LC but ran out of time.  If was when I read Alex's comments that I thought 
> that he was raising some valid points. The key one that struck a chord is 
> that this document describes a solution but doesn't seem to clearly describe 
> what problem it is solving (other than tags are good), or how it is intending 
> to be used.  When I reviewed this document after reading Alex's comments, I 
> was asking myself how this was going to be used, and the answer I came up 
> with was that I didn't really know.  Or the case that I had in mind (YANG 
> catalog filtering on module tag) doesn't seem to match the authors envisaged 
> use cases.  Looking back at some of the previous comments on this work (not 
> just Alex), others have also questioned what problem it is solving and how it 
> will be used.
>> I'm OK with taking the editorial suggestions. I'm not so OK with going back 
>> and redoing this document or it's fundamental design at the tail end of a 
>> WGLC. Unless the WG agrees that it's truly broken. This would be pretty odd 
>> given it seemed like we were done, including during the 103 meeting in which 
>> you were in attendance.
>> You say your not trying to hold the work up; however, that is exactly what 
>> your last minute public pondering is doing.
> Yes, I admit that I should have reviewed it earlier.  My aim is not to slow 
> it down but to ensure that the document is as clear as possible.  As I've 
> said lots of times, I like the idea of tags for classifying YANG modules :-)
> Given all that, it is still my opinion that this document would benefit from 
> the introduction being slightly clearer on the specific problem being solved 
> - e.g. I think that the abstract is more clear than the introduction, and 
> also think that the document would benefit having some examples of how module 
> tags could be used.
> But I appreciate that my comments are after the WGLC and have no issues if 
> the authors/chairs decide that they are too late.  After all, no one else, 
> other than Alex, has expressed any concern.
> Thanks,
> Rob
>> Thanks,
>> Chris.
>>> On Nov 14, 2018, at 5:04 AM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> On 13/11/2018 21:05, Christian Hopps wrote:
>>>> The servers implement the modules which can have predefined tags from the 
>>>> module designer as well as the implementer (vendor) which literally cannot 
>>>> come from anywhere *but* the server that implements the module.
>>> Clients should also be able to know find out the predefined tags from the 
>>> module definition.  I agree that the any tags added by the implementation 
>>> can only be known by querying the server, although its not obvious to me 
>>> what those tags would be.  E.g. if Cisco had a YANG module for EIGRP and 
>>> wanted to give it the ietf:protocol and ietf:routing tag then it would 
>>> ideally use the extension and put it in the YANG file.
>>>> This is not what I thought would hold this work up.
>>> Sorry, I'm not trying to hold anything up.
>>> It not obvious to me how the ietf-module-tags modules will actually be used 
>>> on a device:
>>>  1) being able to ask a device: "What are all the YANG modules that are 
>>> implemented on this device that are routing protocols" seems a useful thing 
>>> to do.  Although personally I would ideally want the answer in the context 
>>> of YANG library.  I.e. to see the modules with the given tags, along with 
>>> module evision/version, features and any deviations.  This can probably be 
>>> achieved today with an appropriate xpath query, if supported, or could 
>>> perhaps be achieved more easily if the operational list of tags also 
>>> augmented the module entries in the YANG library structure.  But perhaps 
>>> for your envisaged use case just getting back the list of modules with that 
>>> tag is sufficient and is what you are after.
>>> Is this how you are envisaging YANG module tags would be used, and if so, 
>>> would it do any harm to add a short section near the intro explaining this 
>>> (and perhaps the YANG catalogue example as well)?  Or do you think that 
>>> this would just be needless noise.
>>> 2) Being able to filter queried data based on tags may also be useful, but 
>>> this would require protocol extensions, perhaps something to be done in 
>>> future?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rob
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Chris.
>>>>> On Nov 13, 2018, at 5:58 AM, Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Joel, authors,
>>>>> I have to confess that I didn't have time to review this during the last 
>>>>> call (but have reviewed/provided comments on previous versions).
>>>>> These comments may be too late, but I will provide them anyway, so make 
>>>>> of them what you will :-)
>>>>> In summary, I like the idea of tags and I think that they are a good fit 
>>>>> for classifying YANG models.  In particular, I think that a flexible 
>>>>> classification of YANG modules is better than a rigid structure that can 
>>>>> never be changed.
>>>>> For me the one of the great utilities of module tags could be in 
>>>>> applications like YANG catalog search 
>>>>> (https://yangcatalog.org/yang-search/).  Being able to search for modules 
>>>>> by tag seems like it would be a particularly useful thing to be able to 
>>>>> do.
>>>>> However, I do have some sympathy with Alex's comment, in that it is a bit 
>>>>> unclear as to benefits of configuring the tag information on the devices. 
>>>>>  At the moment, the configuration doesn't have any material affect on the 
>>>>> device, and the only thing that a client can do is read back the tag 
>>>>> configuration.  Is the intention that the protocols may be extended in 
>>>>> future to allow filter queries to be based on module tags?
>>>>> So, I am supportive of Alex's comment that it would give the document 
>>>>> more clarity if some of the specific use cases could be described.
>>>>> Some other random comments/nits:
>>>>> 1) 6087bis references can be updated to RFC 8407.  Is a reference even 
>>>>> allowed in the abstract?
>>>>> 2) Abstract: "writing a modules tags" => "writing a module's tags" or 
>>>>> "writing module tags"
>>>>> 3) The module is YANG 1.1, so RFC 6020 reference can be changed to RFC 
>>>>> 7950.
>>>>> 4) Section 3.4: Should there be a tag prefix for "experimental"? Or 
>>>>> perhaps this would be "ietf:experimental:<tag-name>" anyway.
>>>>> 5) Section 5.1: It might be useful if the tags were also reported under 
>>>>> YANG library, e.g. as an augmentation to rfc7895bis.  E.g. this would 
>>>>> report the same information as "modules-tags/module[name]/tag" leaf-list.
>>>>> 6) YANG module: Should you limit the maximum size of a tag? Perhaps to 
>>>>> 255, or 1000 characters.
>>>>> 7) Line length for "The operational view of this list is constructed ..." 
>>>>> looks like it may be too long.
>>>>> 8) Section 7, Guidelines to authors.  I was wondering if this section 
>>>>> should state that YANG modules SHOULD define standard tags that are 
>>>>> associated with it.  At the moment, it just states what can be done, 
>>>>> without providing guidance of what should be done.
>>>>> 9) Section 9.2.  A few more possible categories: discovery protocol, vpn, 
>>>>> tunnel.  I'm not sure that I particularly like "rfc8199-" as a module 
>>>>> name, and possibly "classification-" would be better.
>>>>> Apologies for the tardy review comments,
>>>>> Rob
>>>>> On 12/11/2018 16:46, joel jaeggli wrote:
>>>>>> During the Thursday nov 8 session of netmod, we asked if there were any 
>>>>>> objections to the publication of the Draft-03 version of 
>>>>>> draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags which addresses comments and concerns 
>>>>>> raised during the WGLC. In the meeting there were none. This commences a 
>>>>>> comment period to confirm that call. As this follows closely on the 
>>>>>> heels of the IETF 103 meeting we’ll let the call run through Monday the 
>>>>>> 26th of November.
>>>>>> https://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags-03.txt
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Joel
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