Hi all

    I support the adoption of the idea. It is a more convenient way to transfer 

Best Regards
Zongpeng Du

duzongp...@foxmail.com & duzongp...@chinamobile.com
From: Yingzhen Qu
Date: 2020-09-01 04:35
To: Lou Berger; Qin Wu; Kent Watsen; netmod@ietf.org; 
Subject: Re: [netmod] Adoption poll for draft-tao-netmod-yang-node-tags
Here is my understanding of the node-tag draft. Please correct me if there is 
any misunderstanding.
This draft is an idea extension of the module-tag draft. Module-tag is to tag 
or categorize modules, for example, tag “ietf:routing” can be used to “group” 
together modules like ietf-routing, ietf-ospf etc, so users know easily that 
these modules are from the same category, and using this tag, they can further 
find all “ietf:routing” modules as ietf-isis etc. A tag is not meant to add or 
change functionalities of existing modules. Similarly, node-tag is to add tags 
at node level, like Lou’s point (b), it may provide some general functions. 
I support the WG to adopt this idea and continue to work on it. Of course the 
draft needs some clarifications and good examples.
From: netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Lou Berger 
Date: Monday, August 31, 2020 at 6:29 AM
To: Qin Wu <bill...@huawei.com>, Kent Watsen <kent+i...@watsen.net>, 
"netmod@ietf.org" <netmod@ietf.org>, "draft-tao-netmod-yang-node-t...@ietf.org" 
Subject: Re: [netmod] Adoption poll for draft-tao-netmod-yang-node-tags
Resent-From: <yingzhen...@huawei.com>
Thank you for your reply.I think you have two points below (a) tags to define 
metric type and (b) object-specific tags
For me, I believe I agree with Juergen's comments, i.e.,  that metric type 
definition is not metadata and belongs in the module definition.
On the other topic (b) object-specific tags is an interesting idea and may 
provide general utility.  (as contributor) once separated from the metrics 
discussion, this seems like an idea worth discussing in the WG to see if there 
is interest in this added capability.

On August 30, 2020 5:01:28 AM Qin Wu <bill...@huawei.com> wrote:
Thanks Lou for valuable comments, please see reply inline below.
发件人: Lou Berger [mailto:lber...@labn.net] 
发送时间: 2020年8月30日 2:40
收件人: Kent Watsen <kent+i...@watsen.net>; netmod@ietf.org; 
主题: Re: [netmod] Adoption poll for draft-tao-netmod-yang-node-tags
A couple of comments:
- As a co-author or YANG Module Tags, I'm thrilled to see it being 
used/augmented by this document, but I'm not clear on how the metric and 
operation type tags are to be used.  To me these seem to be best defined by the 
modules themselves, e.g., does a value represent an average /sum/min/max value 
or the scale of the value, and not as tag meta data.   
[Qin]:Just to clarify, defining metric and operation type by modules themselves 
may cause revising all the existing published modules we expect to tag, or 
creating the same number of new modules (augment from the existing published 
modules) as the number of targeted existing modules, which is not scalable and 
desirable. So we abandon this option in our implementation design.
The data object tags like metric and operation type tag don't introduce any new 
data nodes into existing modules and can tag any performance metric related 
data object within published modules, standard modules, native modules without 
module name change. The data object tag can not be used to tag any one of 
targeted modules (ietf-geo-location defined in draft-ietf-netmod-geo-location 
or ietf-ip in RFC8344) which doesn't include performance metric related data 
Regarding operation type tag, take ietf-interfaces in RFC8343 as an example, 
ietf-interfaces include interface statistics data object which can be seen as 
performance metric related data objects,
           +--ro statistics
              +--ro discontinuity-time    yang:date-and-time
              +--ro in-octets?            yang:counter64
              +--ro in-unicast-pkts?      yang:counter64
              +--ro in-broadcast-pkts?    yang:counter64
              +--ro in-multicast-pkts?    yang:counter64
              +--ro in-discards?          yang:counter32
              +--ro in-errors?            yang:counter32
              +--ro in-unknown-protos?    yang:counter32
              +--ro out-octets?           yang:counter64
              +--ro out-unicast-pkts?     yang:counter64
              +--ro out-broadcast-pkts?   yang:counter64
              +--ro out-multicast-pkts?   yang:counter64
              +--ro out-discards?         yang:counter32
              +--ro out-errors?           yang:counter32
however these statistics doesn't tell you whether in-errors is current value or 
average value or total value, so does count related data objects defined in 
ietf-dhcpv6-server of draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-yang
            +--ro solicit-count?               uint32
            +--ro advertise-count?             uint32
            +--ro request-count?               uint32
            +--ro confirm-count?               uint32
            +--ro renew-count?                 uint32
            +--ro rebind-count?                uint32
            +--ro reply-count?                 uint32
            +--rw release-count?               uint32
            +--ro decline-count?               uint32
            +--ro reconfigure-count?           uint32
            +--ro information-request-count?   uint32
The operation type tag is introduced to help the network device who is 
responsible for collecting these statistics data with specific operation type, 
tell the collectors the statistic related data object reporting current value 
or average value.
For the scale of the value, talking with Benoit earlier, we think metric scale 
may be overlapping with the range statement, the idea is to provide consistent 
reporting and representation for some of statistics data we want to tag. But if 
this adds complexity, we are happy to take it out, so does metric precision.
Similarly, the type of vpn supported by a tunnel also seems like module data 
and not tag meta data, as this is a per tunnel instance value.
[Qin] See above, data object tag is *not used to replace module data*, instead, 
it is used to label these module data as our interested subscribed objects. The 
label value or tag value is fixed upon it is defined.
Secondly, the precondition to use vpn service tag is the vpn service has 
already been decomposed into a set of configuration data object of device 
modules. The idea is used the service tag as context information tag to 
correlate data objects from different location of the same module or different 
module together, the service tag is help glue different data objects together, 
These context information tag can be analogous to context trace defined in 
Also if module tag can be repurposed at the data node level, I am happy to 
reuse module tag defined in draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags-10. So vpn related 
tag is not needed in this draft. Anyway I am open about these tags.
While the work was previously presented to the WG, I know you didn't have the 
time we all hoped for to discuss this at the last session, so I (personally, 
not as chair) would like to ask you to explain this on the list prior to 
adoption.  I'm hoping I'm just missing something, but from the discussion with 
Juergen an Andy I suspect not.
[Qin]: See above clarification, we did have discussion with Jurgen regarding 
these issues on the list and have already made new version to address Jurgen's 
early raised points. 
One typical case for metric and operation-type tag is: these data object tags 
can be advertised to the subscribers together with data object xpath *before* a 
"pub/sub" service for YANG datastore updates and tell subscribers to specify 
selection filter targeted to specific category data objects, e.g., performance 
metric related data object, which help reduce massive data collection and 
processing and avoid multiple steps subscription.
In addition, when operation type tag is carried together with the metric tag, 
operation type will further classify the same performance metric data objects 
based on different operation types, make sure the same operation type data 
object can be aggregated together, aggregate average value data object with min 
value data object doesn't make sense.
Another case is: Suppose fetch all subscribed objects in all the relevant 
device modules to the subscribers in  one time is not issues, these data object 
objects tags can also help subscriber to process the subscribed untagged data 
objects and hit characteristics data or KPI data objects within the retrieved 
subscribed objects.
- Since this work is derived from work that I contributed to, I'd be interested 
in hearing what new mechanism(s) is/are covered by the IPR disclosure prior to 
supporting WG adoption.  I'm not asking in order to debate this, as that is 
something for other venues, I'm merely asking that you state for the record 
what new mechanism is covered.
[Qin] Thanks for asking, different from module level tag defined in 
draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags , this work provide data node level tag 
definition, use these data node level tag definition to provide hint or 
indication to selection filter in the YANG push and tell the collector or 
subscriber which specific category data objects needs to fetched.
Thank you
(as WG contributor and co-author of draft-ietf-netmod-module-tags)
On 8/17/2020 6:05 PM, Kent Watsen wrote:
This email begins a 2-week adoption poll for:

Please voice your support or objections on list before August 31.  
   1)  -03 was presented during the 108 session, hence the I-D has been updated 
twice since then.
   2) Please be aware that IPR has been filed for this I-D:
Netmod Chairs

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