
let me check whether I understand your request correctly: I heard you
saying that you would like to have

        leaf-list destination-ipv6-network {
          type inet:ipv6-prefix;
            "Destination IPv6 address prefix.";

instead of just

        leaf destination-ipv6-network {
          type inet:ipv6-prefix;
            "Destination IPv6 address prefix.";

(and similar changes for the other IP prefix related leafs).

While such a direct change may be difficult, given that the header
fields are defined in a choice, it should be possible to add
additional choices for sets of prefixes. So from the YANG side, this
seems to be something possible to address without too much trouble.

Whether implementors are happy with supporting such a change is
something others have to comment on.


On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 10:31:10AM +0000, Oscar González de Dios wrote:
> Dear netmod wg colleagues,
>                 The ietf-acl YANG model defined in RFC 8519 allows to create 
> rules, and for each a rule, in case of IPv4/IPv6 you can specify in the match 
> the source-network and destination-network. The source-network (or equally 
> the destination network) is in the model an address prefix. In our use case 
> in Telefonica we are specifying a prefix-list for source network and another 
> prefix list for destination network. If you had to create this behavior using 
> the ACL model, you would need to create NxM rules. Besides, the management of 
> those rules would be more complex.
>                 The routing policy model has the concept of prefix-sets, but 
> is a separate model (and a different use case).
>                 The functionality of specifying a prefix list for source and 
> destination in access control lists is available in most vendors that I am 
> aware today. Hence, it's a pretty standard functionality.
>                 Do you think it is useful to add this functionality to the 
> ACL YANG model? If yes, what would be the procedure, given that ACL is 
> already defined in an existing RFC?
>                 Best Regards,
>                                Oscar
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