Rob Wilton (rwilton) <> wrote:
    > An RFC8366bis is the right option.  If the changes are minor then I may
    > be able to ease the passage through the IESG, but I can't do much to
    > affect the elapsed time.

I will prepare a draft for this week.

I thought I wrote a really nice ASCII art version of what documents inherit
from RFC8366.  I can't find it in my outbox... I wonder if I nuked the draft
by mistake.

The short of it:
RFC8366 -> RFC8995 (voucher-request)
        -> constrained-voucher (voucher-request, voucher)
        -> brski-async-enroll (voucher-request)
        -> jose-voucher (voucher, voucher-request)

and my question was a bit about how we manage all their things inherited.
It's really the classic CS multiple inheritance problem.

{A Cat is an Mammal
 A Cat is an Four-legged creature
 A Cat is Nocturnal.}

Michael Richardson <>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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