Kent Watsen <> wrote:
> > On Dec 12, 2021, at 5:11 PM, Michael Richardson
> > <> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Carsten Bormann <> wrote:
> >> On 2021-12-12, at 22:17, Michael Richardson <>
> >> wrote:
> > 
> >>> I'm working on draft-richardson-anima-rfc8366bis, trying to make it
> >>> RFC8791.
> >> […]
> >>> What I don't know how to deal with:
> > 
> >> RFC 8792?
> > 
> > If I put \ into the original .yang file, then it won't process.
> > So if RFC8792 is the solution, then I think that I probably prefer to
> > have
> > ::include do it.  Otherwise, I have to add another step to the
> > workflow.
> > 
> > I'd also want assurance that the YANG module extractor knows about
> > 8792.
> > Maybe given that Kent is a leader author on that... it's already taken
> > care of.
> `pyang` and I think `yanglint` also know how to extract folded
> <artwork> and <sourcecode> elements.

Just a correction; pyang doesn't extract anything, but rfcstrip does,
and it supports folded artwork, and in the latest greatest 1.3 release
it even reconizes the proper RFC8792-defined magic strings ;-)


> That said, I have never needed to fold a YANG module in an I-D.  As
> Juergen mentioned, YANG’s built-in mechanisms have always enabled me
> to fit within 69-columns.
> Unsure about module-extractor.  My guess is that it will barf   ;)
> K.
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