On Mon, Oct 3, 2022 at 12:41 PM Jeffrey Haas <jh...@pfrc.org> wrote:

> [I had promised Mahesh that I'd take my comments here, but I realize that
> this
> is a topic that likely will result in no short term solutions.  It may also
> result in no action whatsoever.]
> YANG strings are bounded in length, theoretically, but that length limit
> isn't small.
> When strings are used solely as leaf values, the length limit largely isn't
> a matter of concern, in my opinion.  However, when they're used as keys, it
> introduces some code practicalities that may be worth discussing.
> One item of practicality is simply the length and its impact on underlying
> data structures.  If you were storing such things in something like a
> PATRICIA tree, many implementations behave better when the key is of a
> bounded length.*
> A secondary consideration is that since unicode is used, character lengths
> in terms of storage may vary.  Implementations that internally store
> strings
> as UTF-8 have to be wary of truncation considerations.
> A tertiary consideration is that in mechanisms like gNMI, long keys end up
> bloating PDUs.
> Loosely framing this as a very old English joke: YANG Doctor, it hurts when
> I do this!  YANG Doctor: Well... don't do that!
> For many things that have naturally short string names (e.g. interface
> names), this mostly isn't an issue.  However, for things that may take
> user-supplied strings as their key in configuration, this is somewhat more
> problematic.*
> Most implementations likely don't take unbounded inputs to the maximum
> length of a YANG string for such things.  Technically in such situations,
> they're non-conformant if that's the case, or if they don't provide a
> deviation specifying the length of the string.
> Why raise this?  While I only coincidentally participate in YANG module
> implementation at the moment, I remember similar headaches in MIBs making
> the lives of implementors problematic.
> What should be done, if anything?  It seems like those with deeper
> expertise
> may want to recommend a reasonable length limit for strings that will be
> used as keys.  Perhaps define a specific typedef for such things.  And,
> once
> defined, the YANG doctors might consider recommending them in their
> reviews.
I think other SDOs like BBF have defined some constrained string types.
SMIv2 defines a DisplayString (max size 255).  IMO the use of plain 'string'
is far too prevalent in YANG modules. It is often used even though a
zero-length string is not accepted by the server (nor intended by the

Perhaps ietf-yang-types should define a small number of bounded length
string types so designers are more likely to avoid plain 'string'. E.g.:

 - yang-identifier64  (length 1..64)
 - admin-string (length 0..255)

Such things may already be good practice, but perhaps I'm not aware of it.
> -- Jeff
> * As a matter of fact, it was performing a code review against exactly this
> point that raised this consideration.


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