On 24. Mar 2023, at 22:29, Jürgen Schönwälder 
<jschoenwaelder@constructor.university> wrote:
> using '"(%.+)"' in the IP address types may be the most liberal answer

Pedantically speaking, no.

/./ does not include all of ASCII, which is not liberal enough if you want to 
preserve the newlines in your interface names that are putatively allowed by 
RFC 4007 (I can’t find that in there).
It does include all of Unicode that is not ASCII, which is too liberal.
IIRC, it also includes NUL (misspelled as null in RFC 4007).
Then, there is the opaque "However, the strings must not conflict with the 
character.” in RFC 4007 which I’m not going to try to understand.

(Just asking that when the important decision has been made, some more energy 
is used to properly represent it in YANG.)

Grüße, Carsten

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