Hi Jeff,

One topic that came up during the IETF 116 NETMOD meeting was backwards 

>From what I understand, a leaf (e.g. unknown-flags) that uses the unknown-bits 
>typedef would never change its definition in YANG. It would always be defined 
>as unknown-bits with all 64 bit definitions even as more and more bits become 
>"known".  *But* the system would suddenly stop reporting bit-0, then bit-1 in 
>that unknown-flags leaf as those bits become known.

Strictly speaking, that should probably be considered an NBC change although it 
is a bit of a grey zone - the NBC rules for state are fuzzy (theoretically they 
are defined by RFC7950 but it is clear those rules were focused on config, and 
the same goes for all our new versioning work). But I could imagine an 
implementation that was previously seeing bit-0 returned and suddenly stops 
seeing that bit-0 returned (which could cause different 
interpretation/behavior). So in some ways the semantics of the unknown-flags 
leaf has changed. It may be better to just flag this as an NBC change so a user 
would be drawn to look at it, and make a decision that they do or don't have to 
update their handling/use of it?

The known flags leaf would only go through backwards compatible changes though 
(since we'd always be additive in adding bits) - assuming bit positions don't 
change in the protocol.

It would probably help to show an example of what a YANG module looks like for 
step 1 and then step 2 (an unknown becomes known), and also what is returned in 
NETCONF in step 1 and step 2. You partially have that in section 3.2 although 
the YANG model isn't shown and it might be good to explicitly mention that 
<unknown-flags> isn't returned (note it may also be valid to return 


From: netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Jeffrey Haas
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2023 2:48 PM
To: netmod@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [netmod] Request for WG adoption, 

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Netmod Working Group,

The presentation at IETF 116 on the YANG unknown bits typedef seemed to be 
positively received.

I've updated the draft in version -02 to incorporate a hallway suggestion (from 
Rob, I think?) to rename the bits from a pattern of "unknown-N" to "bit-N".  
Please find the information for the updated draft pasted below my original 
request for adoption.

Having given my presentation and seeing there seems to be interest in the work, 
could we consider adoption?

-- Jeff

On Feb 20, 2023, at 1:23 PM, Jeffrey Haas 
<jh...@pfrc.org<mailto:jh...@pfrc.org>> wrote:

The current version of this small draft has addressed the discussion points to 

I'd like to request that the netmod WG consider adopting this draft.  
Alternatively, if it's thought useful but more appropriate to carry this work 
on elsewhere (e.g. rtgwg), I'd appreciate such feedback.

For the process folk, I am unaware of any applicable IPR covering this draft.

-- Jeff

Name:  draft-haas-netmod-unknown-bits
Revision: 02
Title: Representing Unknown YANG bits in Operational State
Document date: 2023-04-10
Group: Individual Submission
Pages: 18
Status:         https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-haas-netmod-unknown-bits/

  Protocols frequently have fields where the contents are a series of
  bits that have specific meaning.  When modeling operational state for
  such protocols in YANG, the 'bits' YANG built-in type is a natural
  method for modeling such fields.  The YANG 'bits' built-in type is
  best suited when the meaning of a bit assignment is clear.

  When bits that are currently RESERVED or otherwise unassigned by the
  protocol are received, being able to model them is necessary in YANG
  operational models.  This cannot be done using the YANG 'bits' built-
  in type without assigning them a name.  However, YANG versioning
  rules do not permit renaming of named bits.

  This draft proposes a methodology to represent unknown bits in YANG
  operational models and creates a YANG typedef to assist in uniformly
  naming such unknown bits.
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