Further to Jan's comments, given that all organizations (vendors, SDOs, and 
industry consortia) producing YANG modules all occasionally update then in NBC 
ways to fix bugs and issues, then I presume that all pragmatic YANG tooling is 
obliged to handle cases where modules change in NBC ways.

Hence, I see changing the following paragraph in RFC 7950 section 11 from

   Otherwise, if the semantics of any previous definition are changed
   (i.e., if a non-editorial change is made to any definition other than
   those specifically allowed above), then this MUST be achieved by a
   new definition with a new identifier.


   Otherwise, if the semantics of any previous definition are changed
   (i.e., if a non-editorial change is made to any definition other than
   those specifically allowed above), then this SHOULD be achieved by a
   new definition with a new identifier.

really as bugfix to RFC 7950 (given that it how everyone is interpreting it) 
rather than a new version of YANG.

If, the landscape was different and everyone defining YANG 1 and YANG 1.1 
modules was only making BC changes, then I would advocate for a new version of 
YANG, but that is not where we are, as has Jan as explained below, I think that 
defining a new version of YANG for this will just cause pain/confusion rather 
than any wider benefit to the industry.


// As a contributor

> -----Original Message-----
> From: netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Jan Lindblad
> (jlindbla)
> Sent: 12 September 2023 13:44
> To: Jürgen Schönwälder <jschoenwaelder@constructor.university>
> Cc: netmod@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: [netmod] Poll on YANG Versioning NBC Approach
> Jürgen, all,
> I see the irony in changing the YANG RFC(s) without updating the YANG
> language version number, but digging a bit deeper, I think the question is not
> as clear-cut as it might seem at first.
> Altering the contents of the backwards-compatibility section of RFC 6020 (sec
> 10) and RFC 7950 (sec 11) clearly implies changes in YANG module authors'
> behavior.
> Speaking as a YANG compiler implementor, however, I don't see any changes
> that have to made to the compiler because of this RFC change. There are no
> new keywords, none are removed. There is no change in the meaning of
> existing keywords. There is no difference in the output the compiler needs to
> generate.
> So while there are changes to the YANG *standard* (meaning RFCs) there is
> no actual change to the YANG *language*. If we require user's to mark their
> modules with version 1.2 (or 2.0), from the compiler's pov, that would just
> be an alias for YANG 1.1. It means a fair amount of trouble to update all the
> tools out there to accept "yang-version 1.2" but do nothing new. It also adds
> a burden to YANG module implementors, since they would have to go
> through all YANG 1.1 modules and mark them 1.2, for no change in meaning.
> For organizations with some modules still on YANG 1.0, the bar is even
> higher.
> I think the most pragmatic approach in this case would be to change the RFC
> text in the backwards-compatibility sections and not update the yang-version
> number as long as no change is required in the compilers. If anyone can
> point to actual things the compiler needs to do differently, I'd be interested
> to hear.
> Best Regards,
> /jan
> > On 12 Sep 2023, at 07:55, Jürgen Schönwälder
> <jschoenwaelder@constructor.university> wrote:
> >
> > I disagree with the poll. There are important teachnigal differences
> > behind the two options that this polls tries to hide.
> >
> > Updating YANG 1 and YANG 1.1 means creating YANG 1' and YANG
> > 1.1'. There is no way that a new versioning approach will be
> > understood by existing YANG tooling. That's an illusion.
> >
> > /js
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 10:39:39PM +0000, Kent Watsen wrote:
> >> WG,
> >>
> >> Please help the YANG-versioning effort move forward by participating in
> the following poll:
> >>
> >>  - https://notes.ietf.org/netmod-2023-sept-poll  (Datatracker login
> required)
> >>
> >> Kent and Lou
> >>
> >
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> >> netmod mailing list
> >> netmod@ietf.org
> >> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/netmod
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jürgen Schönwälder              Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
> > Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
> > Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <https://constructor.university/>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > netmod mailing list
> > netmod@ietf.org
> > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/netmod
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