Authors, WG,

I have taken a good read of the -05 version of the system-config document now 
(thanks for the reminder to review, btw!). I think this is a well written and 
important document. It is touching some of the foundational aspects of the 
entire NETCONF/YANG cluster of documents, which I see as much needed 
maintenance. Just as when priceless paintings are being restored, however, 
extreme care is needed. As we have seen with previous revisions of this 
document, there will be strong opinons about specific wording in some cases, 
even when we are very close in our views.

Here are some points I noted while reading, in order of appearance, and of 
greatly varying significance. Only point #1, in my opinion, is a major problem.

#1 Running MAY become invalid

Section 4.2, which discusses software upgrades etc., has some wording that is 
new in -05:

   If system configuration changes (e.g., due to device upgrade),
   <running> MAY become invalid.  The server behaviors of migrating
   updated system data into <running> is beyond the scope of this
   document.  That said, the following gives a list of examples of
   server implementations that might be possible:

I think this is unacceptable and a direct violation of RFC 7950 section 8.1. 
Prior to this document, I am not aware of any RFC that allows running to become 
invalid under any circumstances. I think the always valid running is a very 
important part of the contract between servers and clients.

The client’s ability to validate a configuration may not be very important in 
itself, but client’s ability to *reason* about the server’s configuration is, 
and by allowing invalid configurations (contradiction in terms?), this gets 
very hard.

#2 <running> merged into <system>

The fourth paragraph of section 5.1 starts:

   To ensure the validity of <intended>, configuration in <running> is
   merged into <system> to become <intended>, in which process,
   configuration appearing in <running> takes precedence over the same
   node in <system>; additional nodes to a list entry or new list/leaf-
   list entries appearing in <running> extends the list entry or the
   whole list/leaf-list defined in <system> if the server allows the
   list/leaf-list to be updated.

I find the wording “<running> merged into <system> to become <intended>” a bit 
odd. To me, this grammatical construct suggests that the contents of running 
would end up in system, which I don’t believe was the authors’ intent. Could 
“with” be a more natural choice of word? I.e. “<running> merged with <system> 
to become <intended>”

#3 Defaults vs system config

The last paragraph of section 5.2 ends:

   The client can explicitly declare (i.e.,
   configure in the datastore like <running>) the list entries (with at
   least the keys) that are referenced elsewhere in <running>.  The
   client does not necessarily need to declare all the contents of the
   list entry (i.e. the descendant nodes), only the parts that are
   required to make the datastore appear valid.

While this makes sense in many ways, I wonder how defaults are to be 
interpreted in this situation. Let’s say the system configuration contains a 
loopback interface “lo0” with leaf “enabled” set to “false”. Someone wants to 
refer to this interface, so they create an “lo0” interface in running. 
According to the interface YANG module, the default value for leaf “enabled” is 

When a client reads running, they may get the impression that the interface is 
enabled when it is not. Is this a problem?

What if there is another overlay-related YANG module that refers to the 
interface list for underlay interfaces. The overlay YANG only allows referring 
to enabled interfaces as underlay. Would referring to the seemingly enabled 
interface be allowed?

Perhaps the example in 5.5.3 or thereabout could be fleshed out to cover YANG 
module defaults as well?

#4 Resolve-system only for filling in blanks

The second paragraph in 5.3 states that

   The "resolve-system" parameter is optional and has no value.  If it
   is present, and the server supports this capability, the server MUST
   copy referenced system nodes into the target datastore (e.g.,
   <running>) without the client doing the copy/paste explicitly, to
   resolve any references not resolved by the client.

One possible interpretation here is that the server must copy the referenced 
items from running when resolve-system is in use. I don’t think that is the 
authors’ intent. I believe the intent is that the configuration should only be 
copied if it is *missing* in running, i.e. never overwrite anything in running. 
If this is correct, I think the wording should be improved to reflect this.

#5 Non-grammatical sentence

The third paragraph of section 5.3 reads

   The server's copy referenced nodes from <system> to the target
   datastore MUST be enforced at the end of the <edit-config>/<edit-
   data> or <copy-config> operations during the validation processing,
   regardless of which target datastore it is.

I am not able to parse or guess the intended meaning here. There is something 
non-grammatical about this sentence. Please rephrase.

#6 Atypical leaf naming in example

The module example-acl in section 5.5.1 is using underscores _ in names (e.g. 
acl_rule, source_address) where YANG style typically is to use hyphen. Consider 

#7 NETCONF protocol as example

The example in section 5.5.1 says

   If a client configures an ACL rule referencing system provided
   applications which are not present in <running>, take NETCONF
   protocol for example,

but when you look at the example, I can’t find anything NETCONF related there. 
I think that is good, since using NETCONF as an example here has the potential 
to confuse the reader, but then that sentence probably needs updating.

#8 No before and after in a transaction

The first paragraph in section 5.5.2 introduces an example like this:

   For instance, in the above example, the
   client MAY also explicitly configure the following system defined
   applications "ftp" and "tftp" only with the list key "name" before

In this sentence, I find the use of “before” a bit unfortunate. I am afraid 
some readers may interpret this as meaning that the “ftp” and “tftp” list items 
have to be configured in a separate transaction prior to the one where they are 
being referenced, while in reality they can be added in the same transaction as 
the reference.

Thank you for your efforts authoring this document!

Best Regards,

From: Lou Berger <>
Date: Monday, 29 April 2024 at 23:55
To: Balazs Lengyel <>, Rob Wilton (rwilton) 
<>, Jan Lindblad (jlindbla) <>, Mohamed 
Boucadair <>
Cc: Kent Watsen <>
Subject: Fwd: [netmod] WGLC on system-config-05

Hi - Time for a little peer pressure.

We, the chairs, would like to ask for your help in reviewing the  system-config 
that is currently in last call.  We are not asking for any specific position or 
opinion, simple that you review the document and then provide a statement of if 
you do/do not support publication.  Of course, technical details support 
objections are most helpful -- and that all comments should be sent to the list.

Thank you so much for your on going, meaningful and important contributions to 
our WG!

Kent and Lou
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Re: [netmod] WGLC on system-config-05
Mon, 29 Apr 2024 17:48:57 -0400
Lou Berger <><>
Kent Watsen <><>


We'd like to extend this LC for another couple of weeks in the hope that we get 
more feedback from the WG on this document.

Positive comments, e.g., "I've reviewed this document

and believe it is ready for publication", are welcome!

This is useful and important.

Thank you,

Lou and Kent
On 3/29/2024 10:08 AM, Kent Watsen wrote:
This email begins a two-week WGLC on:
System-defined Configuration

Please take time to review this draft and post comments by April 12.  Favorable 
comments are especially welcomed.
There is no known IPR for this document:
Kent  // co-chair


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