Hi, Jason,

Thanks for getting back to me. Please see my reply inline...

I think there are a couple of important fundamental issues raised below:

Only auto-copy things missing to make <running> valid vs auto-copy the entire 
contents of a referenced list entry from system->running.
[Qiufang] Please see more of my comments below, I am not sure the latter choice 
makes sense to me.
When to auto-copy: at edit time or at validation time.
[Qiufang] Maybe another issue: interplay between <system> and default value.


#1 Running MAY become invalid

Section 4.2, which discusses software upgrades etc., has some wording that is 
new in -05:

   If system configuration changes (e.g., due to device upgrade),
   <running> MAY become invalid.  The server behaviors of migrating
   updated system data into <running> is beyond the scope of this
   document.  That said, the following gives a list of examples of
   server implementations that might be possible:

I think this is unacceptable and a direct violation of RFC 7950 section 8.1. 
Prior to this document, I am not aware of any RFC that allows running to become 
invalid under any circumstances. I think the always valid running is a very 
important part of the contract between servers and clients.
[>>JTS:] I can see Jan's concern here. Perhaps we should could replace the "If 
system configuration changes..." paragraph with the following:

The behavior of the server when system configuration changes (e.g. due to 
device upgrade) is outside the scope of this document. That said, , the 
following gives a list of examples of
   server implementations that might be possible:
[Qiufang] Thank you Jason for the proposed text, regarding the first sentence 
(starting with "The behavior of the server..."), I am thinking whether we need 
to document it more specific to software upgrade scenario given the statement 
in sec5.3 that If the "resolve-system" parameter is not given by the client, 
the server should not modify <running> in any way otherwise not specified by 
the client.
OLD: The behavior of the server when system configuration changes (e.g. due to 
device upgrade) is outside the scope of this document.
NEW: The behavior of the server when software is upgraded is not specific to 
system configuration and outside the scope of this document.
[>>JTS:] I don't think we should restrict the statement to only being about the 
software upgrade scenario. This section 4.2 is about changes to <system> no 
matter how they happen (upgrade, but also other reasons mentioned in the 
draft). The server behavior when those changes occur can vary whether system 
changed because of upgrade or those other reasons. I also think 5.3 is a 
somewhat different issue. That 5.3 statement you quote is more general (and not 
specifically related to changes to <system> that could trigger changes to 
<running>, e.g. during an upgrade).
[Qiufang] What I am thinking is, if we don't restrict this statement to 
software upgrade only, combined with the examples of possible behaviors listed, 
it seems to imply that any system configuration update (e.g., interface config 
being cleared from <system> due to removal of an interface card) would need the 
server to do something to ensure validity of <running>. Is this true (and 
IMO if interface is removed physically, and related config disappears from 
<system>, <running>/<intended> would become invalid only if the interface is 
referenced but not copied in <running>. Or maybe add back about the choice that 
server does nothing and client decides whether some fix needs to be done in 

#3 Defaults vs system config

[>>JTS:] I suppose we have two options here:
1)      Say that the system values override defaults in the running, or
2)      Say that any leaf with a non-default value in system also needs to be 
copied into running? Of course then this no longer becomes purely about 
*validity* anymore...
[Qiufang] I think Jan is raising a good point, the WG should not miss the 
interplay between defaults and system config.
I am not sure I like option 1) . If it is the client's intention to enable 
interface "lo0" and explicitly write a default value (true) into <running>, it 
should override the value in <system>.
[>>JTS:] You mention "explicitly write". I'm not positive what you meant here, 
but I was talking about the case where the operator creates lo0 in running but 
does *not* explicitly configure the 'enable' leaf in running. So in option #1:
-          reading the 'enable' leaf from running will return nothing
[Qiufang] My understanding is it would return "true" or nothing, depending on 
the with-defaults basic-mode or retrieval parameter being used.
-          the client may assume that the value being used by the router for 
'enable' is 'true' (default in the YANG)
[Qiufang] maybe and maybe not, depending on if the client has also read 
<system> or <operational>.
-          actual value being used by the router is 'false'
[Qiufang] In your option1, system values override defaults in <running>, I have 
concern that this goes against with our definition that <running> takes 
precedence over <system>.
But this issue isn't really specific to just defaults. It is an issue for *any* 
instance data in <system> that isn't auto-copied into <running>. For example, 
imagine a leaf that doesn't have any default value at all, but that leaf is 
configured to a specific value in <system>. Any data missing from running will 
result in the client having the wrong view/information.
[Qiufang] I am not sure that is even an issue, <running> contains what is 
explicitly sent by the operator,  that is the view/information <running> 
represents according to its definition. If the client wants the full 
view/information, it should read <intended> or <operational>(if it wants to 
understand what is actually in use).
If we want to also solve that problem in this draft, then every single leaf 
that has an explicit value in <system> would have to be copied as part of the 
resolve-system auto copy (not just the leafs that are required for validity). 
That's option #2. Interesting question for the WG. That may be simpler than 
trying to determine exactly which subset of those leafs are actually needed for 
validity of running (i.e. "just copy everything").
[Qiufang] Consider why would the client care what is a specific value of a leaf 
in <system> if it is not explicitly referenced/depended? I am not sure we want 
to clutter <running> with a lot of system configuration which might not even be 
cared by the client. Besides, clients can always read <system>, as well as 
<intended> where <system> is populated into.
Option 2) may seem to work for me. If the server sets the value for a node that 
is different from the schema default value, it must be copied into <running> if 
its parent node is copied explicitly or automatically by "resolve-system" 
parameter, and any updates of this value (unless it's updated to its schema 
default value) needs to be reflected into <running> automatically. And I think 
this is independent of the topic about the validity of <running> alone. 
[>>JTS:] I'm not sure what you mean about "and any updates". Are you referring 
back to section 4.2?
[Qiufang]Yes, suppose a leaf has a schema default value 3, and what the server 
set is 4, in your option 2), 4 should be copied into <running>, but later this 
value might be updated to 5 by the server, should the server update <running> 
with value 5 then? Or leave this as undefined?

#4 Resolve-system only for filling in blanks

The second paragraph in 5.3 states that

   The "resolve-system" parameter is optional and has no value.  If it
   is present, and the server supports this capability, the server MUST
   copy referenced system nodes into the target datastore (e.g.,
   <running>) without the client doing the copy/paste explicitly, to
   resolve any references not resolved by the client.

One possible interpretation here is that the server must copy the referenced 
items from running when resolve-system is in use. I don't think that is the 
authors' intent. I believe the intent is that the configuration should only be 
copied if it is *missing* in running, i.e. never overwrite anything in running. 
If this is correct, I think the wording should be improved to reflect this.

[>>JTS:] Agree we should say this copy only occurs for schema elements that 
aren't already explicitly configured in running.
[Qiufang]Yes, also agree that only the missing part needs to be copied. Would 
the following proposed update work for both of you:
OLD: If it is present, and the server supports this capability, the server MUST 
copy referenced system nodes into the target datastore (e.g., <running>) 
without the client doing the copy/paste explicitly...
NEW: If it is present, and the server supports this capability, the server MUST 
copy referenced system configuration into the target datastore (e.g., 
<running>) where it is missing from without the client doing the copy/paste 
[>>JTS:] That new sentence isn't quite right IMO, and this may need further 
rework depending on Jan's "#3 Defaults vs system config" (since we may need to 
copy more than just the referenced configuration - it may need to include all 
explicitly configured descendant nodes as well). Perhaps this instead:
If it is present, and the server supports this capability, the server MUST copy 
referenced system nodes and all explictly configured descendant nodes in 
<system> that are missing from <running> into <running> without the client 
doing the copy/paste explicitly. The copy operation MUST NOT overwrite any 
explicit configuration in <running>.
[Qiufang] Yes, maybe defaults should be copied, but I am unsure about other 
unreferenced descendant nodes in <system>.

#5 Non-grammatical sentence

The third paragraph of section 5.3 reads

   The server's copy referenced nodes from <system> to the target
   datastore MUST be enforced at the end of the <edit-config>/<edit-
   data> or <copy-config> operations during the validation processing,
   regardless of which target datastore it is.

I am not able to parse or guess the intended meaning here. There is something 
non-grammatical about this sentence. Please rephrase.

[>>JTS:] I believe this is trying to address when the auto copy happens. In 
theory it could happen as part of the application of the edit-config but the 
paragraph implies it just needs to happen before a validation. I was generally 
thinking this would happen as part of the edit, but I can also see that in 
theory an implementation could deal with all the auto-copying during a 
validation operation instead (it may be easier to identify all the things that 
need to be copied to make it valid at that point).
[Qiufang] Thanks Jason for helping clarify the intent. I assume this is the 
easier way for the server to copy the missing parts during the 
leafref/when/must/mandatory true/min-element constraints enforcement process.
But if we say this only has to happen before validation, then a client won't 
necessarily be able to see the auto-copied data if they do a get-data right 
after an edit-data.
[Qiufang] Yes, another reason I think the timing of auto-copy enforcement 
should be specified instead of leaving it as implementation specific is, things 
might become different if auto-copy happens at different process. I.e., if it 
happens during validation, it implies that if <candidate> doesn't need to be 
validated, then auto-copy won't happen even though the "resolve-system" 
parameter is present.
But in the end I'm not positive we want to force implementations to do this 
auto-copy as part of the edit. A candidate datastore doesn't have to be valid 
(until a validate or commit).
[Qiufang] Another thought in mind: Should the validate and commit RPC operation 
also support this parameter?
[>>JTS:] Interesting question. If we aren't going to auto-copy until 
validate-time, then perhaps the resolve-system should indeed be a parameter of 
<validate> or <config>. The downside is that I think it may be more intuitive 
to users if the auto-copy happens as part of an edit. On the other hand, maybe 
a subsequent edit was going to add some configuration that was going to resolve 
the missing leafref.
If we don't auto-copy at edit time, then the client won't be able to see a 
complete view of what is about to be committed when they do a get-data before 
the commit. But if we do auto-copy at edit time, that may be a pretty expensive 
operation for the server (I'm worried it may effectively have to do some 
something almost as expensive as a validation to find the missing pieces).
[Qiufang] It seems that both have its pros and cons, I don't have strong 
feelings either way, but I am thinking can we leave it as implementation 
specific? And we also need to augment <validate> and <commit> RPC operations, I 
think, for servers do auto-copy at validation time. Client will decide by its 
own whether to use "resolve-system" to edit candidate ds (we can assume the 
client understand the consequence of this parameter before it uses it). As long 
as this parameter is carried, the server always does the auto-copy. Does this 
make sense?

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