On 19 May 2009 as I do recall,
          <l...@clear.net.nz> wrote:

> I have this problem where after maybe 5 or 6 pages on certtain site the
> pages refuse to load. Showing a countdown by seconds as it tries. After
> 60s I give up, quit NS, restart and the page loads up nicely within couple
> a seconds. BUT then the 4th or 5th page does the delay thing again... and
> so on. 
This sounds like the old 'singletasking while fetching stylesheets'
problem (which, as I understand it, only manifests on RISC OS and
therefore cannot be fixed by any of the development team's debugging

The symptom is that NetSurf starts to singletask when performing a
'secondary' fetch, i.e. one where the countdown shows to the right of
the main downloading size display, and that everything *except* this
countdown freezes;  if you happen to have that area of screen visible
you will see it updating constantly until the time reaches about 180
seconds, whereupon the fetch times out and normal operation resumes.

In other words, you don't actually have to quit NetSurf:   just sit out
the three minutes....

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

Confession is good for the soul, but bad for the career.

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