On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 14:02:48 +0100
Russell Hafter - Lists <rh.li...@phone.coop> wrote:

> > In what way do you expect the logging to be unkind to
> > your hard drive? Discs are designed for use; that's what
> > they're for.  
> Are discs not subject to wear and tear, like any other
> moving equipment?

In a way, yes.  But much less than you might imagine.  And it's either
writing out the log files, or not having the bug fixed.  Choose one :)

> I would imagine that spinning up and spinning down causes
> more wear than just spinning, but surely just spinning
> causes more wear than no movement at all?

The drive will basically always be spinning, regardless of access.
Basically, if you're concerned about a small amount of logging, you
need to buy a better drive, or lobby your OS vendor of choice to
implement some more aggressive file system buffering.


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