The following bytes were arranged on 21 Feb 2011 by Steve Fryatt :

> On 21 Feb, Martin Bazley wrote in message
>     <>:
> > Buttons added or removed from the toolbar, on the other hand, apply to all
> > windows opened as descendants of the original one and to new top-level
> > windows, but not to other currently open windows or their descendants.
> > I'd propose that the addition and removal of sections also works this way,
> > if that was not the intention.
> Logically, it ought to work the other way around: button edits don't stick
> either unless you do a "Save as default".  Except that treeview windows
> don't have such an option, and IIRC it *is* immediate on those.
> Any chance you could stick this on the bug or feature tracker?  I'll need to
> think through how the UI should work for this, and then sort out how to make
> it happen.

OK, I've just got around to adding it.  Two tickets, one feature and one

Editing inconsistency:

Scrolling bug:

 / _   _ \           It is written that Geeks shall inherit the Earth.
( ( |_| ) )
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ==========================

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