In article <>, Richard Porter
<> wrote:
> On 22 Apr 2011 Tim Hill  wrote:

> > In article
> > <>,
> > Chris Young <> wrote:
> >> On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 15:12:23 +0100, Tim Hill wrote:


> > Um, no. I would rather the search from the RISC OS front end was
> > performed from the single text input icon, as I think I said. Having
> > a 'search box' alongside it is a waste of screen real-estate as it
> > could be performed within existing furniture.

> I agree, but why not just put a search box on your local home page? 

I have, but when you open a NetSurf window, the cursor isn't in the
search box, it remains in the URL. Also, it would be just simpler and
quicker not to have to load another page just to search from one you have
finished with.

> My
> default startup page has


Mine has lots of stuff too. ;-)

> [snip]

> > In one case nearly 50% of the screen was covered in add-on toolbars
> > to MIE. :-o Doncha just love Windows' redundancy paradigm? Thanks
> > heavens for f11.

> I've just had to set up a Windross laptop. Internet Exploder was so
> full of crap I didn't even bother to clean it up - I just used it to
> download Firefox.

Sadly, I seem only to be able reliably to download pre-paid postage PDFs
from with MIE and even then, it took a second attempt today.

Perhaps someone from RM can explain* why something so intrinsically
simple (printing a stamp) has to be made so darned complex. If the final
item wears one of those square barcode thingies, simple PHP HTML and
forms and output to an image file ought to do. Grown like topsy, it has.

Sorry, now OT, 'bye.


* any questions herein are rhetorical.  ;-)

Tim Hill

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