On 26 Apr 2011 Tim Powys-Lybbe  wrote:

> On 26 Apr at 20:55, Tricia <nix...@waitrose.com> wrote:

>> On 22 Apr, in article <mpro.lk2h4u00001d300fd.pit...@pittdj.co.uk>,
>>   David Pitt <pit...@pittdj.co.uk> wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> And then I remembered I have another Mac, a Mac mini under the tele
>>> and that DID show the 'Base style sheet' bug. A crash log is at :-
>>> http://pittdj.co.uk/temp/MacNS.zip
>>> After an awful lot of mucking about the last thing I did was to run
>>> Maintenance.app set to clear the following :-
>>> Application Cache Launch Services dyld's shared cache
>>> Then NetSurf ran.
>> I did that, NetSurf ran nicely, I visited a few sites and was well
>> pleased. Next time I fired it up the 'Base style sheet failed to load'
>> again, but after I selected Reopen from the report page it was fine.
>> However, I tried it again a few minutes ago and selecting Reopen
>> results in the whole lot disappearing.

> Curiously I cannot corroborate any of this.  On my Mac, NetSurf is
> running and has always run well.  No crashes seen.

I just get the "Base style sheet..." error.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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