When page content includes something like this:
<form method="POST" action="some.cgi"> ...
<input ....>
<input type="submit" value="Go">  ...
<input type="submit" value="Clear">
and the user presses Return,
every other browser will send the post request with the
various arguments from the input elements (i.e. they
default to doing the submit as if the user clicked the Go
button), but NS seems to default to actioning the Clear
If I change the Clear button to
<input type="button" value="Clear">
then pressing Return sends the post request as if the Go
button was clicked (same as other browsers). However,
NS gives a "Warning: button can not be activated" on Clear.
So it seems that NS can't have forms with more than one
submit button.

Lack of javascript is a drawback we have to cope with,
but this issue also means cgi scripts can't use multiple
submit buttons and allow for the usual default action of
pressing Return submitting the form with all the
arguments.  Obviously there are various workarounds but
I just wondered if there was any chance that NS could
default to actioning the first submit button rather than
the last.

Mike Hobbs

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