In message <>
          Steve Clark <> wrote:

> In article <>,
>    lists <> wrote:
>> The following appears blank but "view Source" shows content


> It's something to do with the two Base Href lines at the beginning.
> If you delete them it works.

I agree. It certainly appears blank on NetSurf but works on both IE 
and Mozilla Firefox on the PC side of my RiscBook.
Brief inspection of the content suggests a possible reason at the top
of the html. There are 2 statements each beginning <!-- base href= and
ending --!>
<!-- starts comment but --> (not as far as I know --!> terminates 
comment. I wonder whether the second ! is upsetting things.
It appears that the whole of the remainder of the text might be being
treated as part of the comment by NetSurf. Certainly viewing text in 
StrongED HTML mode indicates this. A little experimentation is called 
for when I have some time to spare.


Graham Pickles     Whitby Museum

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