On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 04:10:32PM +0100, Brian Bailey wrote:
> John
> > > I just got an email from i4imaging which included a file oleO.bmp which
> > > NetSurf didn't like very much declaring BadType as it was fetching and
> > > processing. Said file didn't seem to render. Are bmp file a no go area,
> > > perhaps?
> > A BMP file made with DPIngScan loads fine, so your file is probably
> > faulty - or, as sometimes happens, has the wrong file extension perhaps
> > (?).
> > My BMP file starts with the characters 'BM' as viewed in a text editor.
> Thanks for that. It does indeed start with 'BM' but I'm mostly sure that
> it wasn't generated with DPIngScan. Bound to be from the dark side,
> really, but it does beg the question how many other BadFile types might
> there be lurking out there?
> I've had something similar happen before but ignored it!
> Brian

It is most likely that your application has saved the bitmap with a
data filetype. NetSurf (correctly) converts the RO data filetype to
the application/octet-stream MIME type which will not be considered as
anything beyond binary data that cannot be interpreted.

Additionally if the bitmap is small you might try opening a bug on the
bugtracker and placing it there to be examined as without it no-one can
make any sensible determination.

And *not* specific to this report, just using it as an opportunity:

Please, PLEASE, there are only a very small number of use working on
NetSurf. Can users read
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html and follow its
advice. Also http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html is worth a
read but be aware of the offensive language in that one.

We welcome bug reports, however, hand-wavy reports take a
disproportionately large amount of time to answer so you run the risk
of simply never receiving a reply.

Regards Vincent

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