On 26 Mar, in article
  m0n0 <o...@monochrom.net> wrote:
>  Am Montag, den 26.03.2012, 00:37 +0200 schrieb Tim Hill 
>  <t...@timil.com>:

> > Why's it there? Are there still people on dialup who need it?

>  Generally this feature is offered by the Mail list managers to
>  provide users an option limit the amount of mails they get. This
>  has nothing to do with dialup. It's just less annoying to get 1
>  mail once a day, instead of getting 40 mails...

>  I'm subscribed to several mail lists and I like the digest feature.

>  Greets,
>  m

How can one loooong email with all the replies in all the threads
which people haven't snipped repeated again and again possibly be
less annoying than 40 emails? Just curious. 

I know subscribers on this list are good at trimming quotes, but
there are plenty of others where it just doesn't happen.



These taglines aren't always all that interesting...

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