On 13 Oct 2012  John Williams <joh...@ukgateway.net> wrote:

> If anyone RISC OS-side has a need for a new downloading app, I've put
> mine at:

>         http://petit.four.free.fr/FetchNS.zip

> It saves the latest version, if not already downloaded, in the directory
> where you put it.

> It uses the "LATEST" file the developers have thoughtfully provided. My old
> version had to parse the old Builds page!

A great idea, but not working for me; ARMini, RISC OS 5.19. Initially, 
I get the unhelpful message:

13 Oct 17:46:20 000 00000168: Error from (unknown): Unknown operand

and have discovered that the only system variable needed by either 
Fetch_NS or cURL (yes, it's in Boot.Library) is Fetch$Dir.

Flailing round wildly in my ignorance, I ran the SetLatest BASIC 
program, so as to set the "Previous***" system variable, and Fetch_NS 
now runs but falls over with:

 pc:    9da08 sp:   207f8c ^post_signal()
 pc:    9dd14 sp:   207fa4 __unixlib_raise_signal()
 pc:    f9ea4 sp:   206b54 __h_cback()
 pc:    25008 sp:   206b70 strncasecmp()
 pc:     ba3c sp:   206b80 ?()
 pc:    32084 sp:   206e10 ?()
 pc:    3368c sp:   206f60 ?()
 pc:    b3950 sp:   206f78 _main()

Termination signal received: Segmentation fault
Any ideas as to what is going on would be gratefully received!

With best wishes,


Peter   \  /      zfc Ta     \     Prestbury, Cheltenham,  Glos. GL52
and      \/ __            __  \                              England.
family   / /  \ | | |\ | /  _  \      http://pnyoung.orpheusweb.co.uk
        /  \__/ \_/ | \| \__/   \______________ pnyo...@ormail.co.uk

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