Chris Young wrote

> On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 22:03:15 GMT, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:

>>> Does your design actually need it?  Usually I detest it when I see it.  :)
>>> The performance penalty can affect e.g. Chrome/Firefox on modern PCs too,
>>> although to a lesser extent.
>> In this case, the design really does need it. What I want to keep at
>> the top of the window is a lookup table which enables multiple
>> interpretations of the content that follows.
>> You can see what I am trying to do here:-
>> If you don't play the guitar it probably won't make a lot of sense,
>> but basically it enables a guitarist to play any of the songs in any
>> key without use of a capo.
>> The performance hit on the scroll is acceptable here because once you
>> have found the song you want to play you don't have to scroll again
>> until you want to change songs.

> I would have opted for a server-side PHP script which shows the bit
> that you want to keep static and the selected song only.

> Not only would that solve the problem, it also reduces load times and
> bandwidth requirements.

> If you can't use PHP then you could generate all the pages off-line
> and upload them as static HTML.

Thanks for the suggestion Chris - it seems like a good way to go.

At the moment I can't get PHP from my ISP, but I will try using PHP 
via WebJames on my RaspBerry Pi.

If it is satisfactory I will need to pay another 3 pounds a month to 
upgrade my basic Orpheus Web service to the next level which supports 

John -

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