On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 08:16:26AM +0000, Peter Young wrote:
> >> Is anyone else seeing this behaviour?
> > Yes, most of my Hotlist has vanished too :-(
> > Looking at the Hotlist file it is not corrupted, the html is
> > perfectly formed, it's just missing all but the first 35ish
> > entries.
> And have had that recently happen here, too.

It would be massively helpful if people seeing this behaviour could attempt to
determine if this is a loading or saving issue -- This can be done by editing
the file in Zap or StrongEd and then starting NetSurf before looking in the
NetSurf hotlist window to see if the added items are visible, and then quitting
NetSurf and seeing if they get saved back out to the hostlist file.

We did recently rewrite the hotlist code, so any hints are gratefully received.

If any of you had backups of your hotlist from before NetSurf seems to have
lost entries, you could use copies of those backups to do the test.  If the
problem manifests repeatably, then copies of the offending hotlists would go a
long way to helping us diagnose and fix the fault.

Many thanks,


Daniel Silverstone                       http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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