In article
<>, Chris
Young <> wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Mar 2013 16:25:07 GMT, John Rickman Iyonix wrote:

> > Mystery solved - I develop my web pages "offline" using relative
> > reerences to files. NetSurf behaves differently in this "mode" with
> > files and does not pick up the common favicon.

That's because you are using the filer. If you use WebJames to serve your
files locally (http://localhost/) you will find that NetSurf finds
favicon.ico in the root and uses it appropriately.

> > It behaves the same as you describe when accessing pages from the web
> > server.

'a' web server. :-)

> If you are working locally, the root will be the root of the
> volume/drive your pages are stored on, which probably isn't the same as
> the root directory of the files you are going to upload.  Hence NetSurf
> won't find favicon.ico locally unless you give it additional hints in
> HTML HEAD using relative paths.

Tried that but using the filer doesn't seem to work at all. Placing
favicon.ico in the root of the disc seems to be ignored by browsers inc.,
NetSurf. (This isn't desired anyway unless you are a fan of clutter.)

Tim Hill

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