In message <>
          Tim Hill <> wrote:

> In article <>, Rev Dr Alan Leighton
> <> wrote:
>> In message <> Tim Hill <> wrote:

>>> In article <>, Rev Dr Alan Leighton
>>> <> wrote:

>>> [Snip]

>>>> Menu over the Netsurf page then use Page > Export >Text. Save text
>>>> into Ovation or Easi Writer and then delete what you do not need.

>>> Wow. That would be an extreme way of extracting a URL from even only
>>> a 20KB web page. If you've seen some of mine, you wouldn't want to do
>>> that unless you have lots of time to waste!

>>> As others have said, <Shift><Adjust> over the link pops up a URL save
>>> box which can even be dragged to a NetSurf address field or nearly
>>> anywhere else you want it to be.

>> Teach a wise man and he is yet wiser. I wouldn't call it extreme for
>> have done that for years and it really is quite flexible and quick.
>> Now to try your way.

> I was thinking particularly of a news page I maintain which can have tens
> of very similar links and to find the correct one in an editor you have
> to invoke search and still I have ended up with the wrong one! Agreed
> that on a very simple page, what you describe is adequate for the task.

> Pleased to see that <Select><Adjust> pops up in !Help with NetSurf so it
> shouldn't be news to anyone.  ;-)

Oh I have just tried it. Super. Changing my ways now. Thanks



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