The following bytes were arranged on 26 Mar 2013 by Richard Porter :

> Incidentally Shift-Select-click = Object > Link > Download target

One of the things I most wish NetSurf would do is an option to invoke
the download window externally - i.e. links sent over the AcornURI
protocol, which may have originated in an email, or possibly even
manually extracted from the source of a page which NetSurf doesn't want
to play nice with.

In the case that said link goes to, say, a large image, it would be so
useful to be able to directly download it without being forced to wait
for NetSurf to attempt to render it first.

This could probably be satisfactorily fixed just by adding an extra
button to the 'Open URL' window.

 / _   _ \         You always find something in the last place you look.
( ( |_| ) )
 \_>   <_/  ======================= Martin Bazley ==========================

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