I've encountered a minor irritation caused by a stupid web authoring 
mistake. The RBWM Recycling page at
contains two images which are delivered at 2440 x 1479 px and 
displayed at 122 x 89 px - the files are 340 times the size they need 
to be! I have reported this to the council but I won't hold my breath 
for a correction.

The problem is that as soon as these images hove into view the page 
becomes incredibly slow and clunky to move around. I would hazard a 
guess that NS is continually struggling to resize the images as it 
tries to move them around. Would it be possible to resize the images 
once when they are downloaded and then hold them at the required 
display size?

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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