On 14 Jun 2013 Rob Kendrick  wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 09:58:17AM +0100, Richard Porter wrote:
>> On 13 Jun 2013 Bernard Boase  wrote:
>> NetSurf 2.9 will render the maps; the latest dev versions won't.
>> I've complained to streetmap about the removal of the old interface.
>> In particualr it makes it harder to extract the map images from a
>> saved draw file.

> Why do you think they care about removing the ability of their users to
> take copyrighted data they are not licenced to use, and for the sake of
> at most a few dozen users?

I don't, but it is perfectly reasonable to expect to be able to print 
off a map for use away from the computer e.g. in the car or out 
walking or cycling if you don't have a sat-nav. That is not an 
infringement of copyright if it's for your own use and not republished 
elsewhere. Anyway I didn't mention that to streetmap - only the fact 
that the new interface doesn't work on any RISC OS browser. I 
subsequently found that NS2.9 would still render the maps and possibly 
other versions with JS off.

My point about extracting map images was inaccurate. In fact I just 
delete all the extraneous stuff, leaving the actual map to be printed 
on A4. I normally used Fresco because the saved draw files are 
compatible with my printer whereas NetSurf's aren't due to 32-bit 
colour sprites.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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