On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 02:38:07PM +0100, Jim Nagel wrote:
> Jim Nagel  wrote on 25 Sep:
> > Tried to log in to Mantis just now to report this bug, but no luck.
> > So I'll post the problem here while it's fresh in mind.
> Sorted out the Mantis login problem, thanks to Vince Sanders.
> So I duly logged in and filled in a formal bug report; clicked Submit.
> Mantis response (I paraphrase from memory):
>      Invalid report.  Netsurf build number required.
> I had said Netsurf 3.2.

Did you say "Netsurf 3.2" or "3.2" ?

> So I click "go back".
> And there is a blank page expecting me to fill in ALL the info again.
> Grrrrr.

This is a problem with NetSurf, not the bug tracker.  Modern browsers
annotate history information with form data.  We have a plan to do that


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