In message <>
  Peter Young <> wrote:

> On 7 Nov 2015  John Rickman Iyonix <> wrote:

>> Peter Young  wrote

>>> Not an answer to the question as asked, but with #3048 the page loads
>>> in 0.2 seconds.

>> Apologies, it was not clear from my post that the problem was with
>> links to magazines on the quoted URL and not with the URL itself

>> points to a list of magazines. This
>> page loads quickly but links out of this page to a monthly magazine
>> take a long time.
>> eg

> And apologies from me for misunderstanding. However, I've just
> downloaded, from the front page,  in 0.2 seconds with the same NetSurf
> build.

> ARMX6, by the way, with RISC OS 5.23, and  gigabit switch between the
> computer, which for me speeds things up a lot.

> However, downloading the same page from the URL in this message has
> taken 30.2 seconds. Odd! Perhaps someone clever can tell why?

30s is an interesting duration NetSurf-wise, that is how long before 
fetches time-out. From a look at the log :-

(20.170000) content/content.c:386 content_destroy: content 0x4e5f42a0 

(41.380000) content/fetchers/curl.c:834 fetch_curl_done: done

(41.390000) content/fetchers/curl.c:872 fetch_curl_done: Unknown cURL 
response code 28

(41.390000) content/fetchers/curl.c:699 fetch_curl_stop: fetch 
0x4e67bc98, url ''

(41.390000) render/html_css.c:110 html_convert_css_callback: 
stylesheet failed: Timeout 
was reached

(41.390000) render/html_css.c:114 html_convert_css_callback: 1 fetches 

(41.400000) content/fetchers/curl.c:834 fetch_curl_done: done

(41.400000) content/fetchers/curl.c:872 fetch_curl_done: Unknown cURL 
response code 28

(41.400000) content/fetchers/curl.c:699 fetch_curl_stop: fetch 
0x4e727878, url ''

(41.400000) render/html_css.c:110 html_convert_css_callback: 
stylesheet failed: Timeout was 

This is missing :-

David Pitt
Raspberry Pi

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