In message <>
          Allan Bennett <> wrote:

> In message <>
>           Peter Young <> wrote:

>> On 16 Dec 2015  Jan-Jaap van der Geer <> wrote:

>>> Brian <> wrote:

>>>> In article <>, Peter Young
>>>> <> wrote:

>>>>> No idea, but I've also never had a problem with clicking on a
>>>>> link in Messenger Pro, unless it's one that NetSurf can't open
>>>>> anyway. Sorry not to be helpful!

>>>> Also, perhaps not very helpful, clicking on a link in Pluto, so
>>>> far as I can remember, always works here.

>>> Are we talking about the same thing here?

>> Possibly not. I was referring to double-clicking an HTML file on my
>> hard disc. However ...

>>> - Quit NetSurf
>>> - Open a taskwindow
>>> - Enter:
>>>   *uridispatch

>>> What happens?

>>> I would expect NetSurf to start and open a window with

>> ... and I've tried that, using both and
>> in a taskwindow, with NetSurf not running, and in
>> both cases NetSurf loads and the page is opened.

> I have an obey file on my pinboard containing several (6) *uridispatch
> commands. This worked OK until the RO 5.23 upgrade, after which an
> error occurred for all but one website from the list - at which point
> !Netsurf loaded and so did the one site. Loading the AcornURI v1.04
> (20 May 2006) © Christian Ludlam at bootup restores expected
> functionality.

> Note: if !Netsurf is pre-loaded on to the icon bar before the obey
> file is executed, all sites loaded as expected - whichever AcornURI
> version was loaded.

> Hope that helps pinpoint the prob.

> ARMX6, RO 5.23 (R-Comp version), latest !Netsurf

Following up my own post: the error notice referred to above ie with 
the OS-supplied AcornURI module) is as follows:-

"Cannot open <Wimp$ScrapDir>.www.Netsurf.Log for I/O redirection"

Allan Bennett

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