I have similar settings for Netsurf on Iyonix and ARMX6 and, for example, 
a UTF-8 encoded file of Cyrillic characters displays correctly on both. 
But Wikipedia's nav bar language lists differ.

Having deleted RUfl_cache, Iyonix shows all correctly except Georgian

ARMX6 showed all correctly except
     Korean, Japanese, Thai and Chinese
until I deleted RUfl_cache, and now shows none of the non-Latin scripts.

Why the differences? Indeed how come only Acorn fonts are apparently 
needed in Netsurf Choices? Setups are:

Iyonix OS 5.24
ARMX6 OS 5.25 (25-Apr-2018)

FontManager 3.79
FontDir Pro 3.23 (ARMX6 only)
Netsurf 3.10 (Dev CI #4851)
Netsurf Choices Fonts:
-  Homerton
-  Trinity
-  Corpus
-  Sassoon
-  Pembroke
-  Sans-serif
Unicode fonts available (but not specified to Netsurf) include:
-  Cyberbit
-  DejaVu (ARMX6 only)


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