
We organise European Sound Delta _ www.sound-delta.eu
we wonder if you could forward the call for entries (below) to your mailing and/or publish it on your website

In advance please receive our best regards
(if you can give us some information about how many people there are on your list it could be helpful for our reporting :)

Collectif MU


Sound Art - Call for projects & residencies - summer 2008
--> Deadline 15th of March 2008

EUROPEAN SOUND DELTA is a mobile project on the Danube & Rhine Rivers focusing on radio-art using sounds of European cities. Two teams will be travelling on both rivers this summer, recording sounds, producing live performances and radio broadcasts with local sound-artists. A final exhibition is scheduled in Strasbourg-F by the end of September 2008 as part of http://www.ososphere.org International sound artists are invited to apply with a project meant to be created on one of the trans-European floating labs.
>> keywords : radio, sound art, media art, field recordings

Main Objectives:
--> To give young people the experience of a professional mobile project --> A documentary artistic research on cultural identities of European cities
    --> Built a new european network in the field of sound art
    --> Experiment ICT via innovative artistic practices

Participating countries:
--> Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Romania, Serbia & Slovakia

Associated curators:
Valérie Vivancos (www.vibrofiles.com) and Joachim Montessuis (www.autopoiese.org )

Participating artists & residents (list not closed) :
Aymeric De Tapol, Tonic Train, Dinahbird, Jopo Stereo, SIC: Hori Cosmin Samoïl, Ewen Chardronnet, Alejandra Perez Nunez, Julien Ottavi, Chris Watson, Vincent Epplay, Alejandra & Aeron, Robert Hampson, Kassel Jaeger, AGF, Jörg Piringer, Yannick Dauby, Christian Zanesi, Phil Niblock, Charlemagne Palestine, Jean-Philippe Roux, Gaël Segalen, Philip Griffiths, Joachim Montessuis

Full project Description & Application Form : www.sound-delta.eu


Thanks for all
Don't hesitate to contact us for any question.


Collectif MU
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