On Dec 26, 2007 11:13 AM, Curt Hagenlocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Behalf Of geert lovink
> > "Google is massively invading privacy," the study said with the company
> > knowing more than any other organization about individuals and
> > companies, but not bound by national data protection laws.
> How will we old people explain "privacy" to the generations that have
> grown up posting all manner of information and pictures to their
> myspace pages that in previous years would have been fodder for
> blackmail?

You're confusing "intimate" with "private."  If I reveal initimate details
of my life in public, it is no longer private. I may have been unwise to
publish it, but if I do so via MySpace or any other online venue, laws
created to protect private data won't help.

~ Jon L.

Jon Lebkowsky
Polycot Associates

Blog: http://weblogsky.com
Profile: http://profile.to/jonlebkowsky

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