Hi Chad

>My friend the artist Michael Caputo and I were discussing this motif of Man
>and his Tools, under the context of Hal 9000 and Arthur C. Clarke's in
>terpretation of how 2001 in a critical commentary man's collective history
>with tools, and a possible future whereas these tools become an appendage, an
>extension of environmental intelligence, something that increases man's
>intuitive interpretation of a world whereas his primitive senses are able to
>only detect a minute semblace of the wide swath of reality. I think the

and a human-built sensory device along with human interpretation of 
the output of that device is somehow MORE connected to universal 
truth?  You only have to look at all the historical blunders in 
technological implementation to see that human senses are not a 
secondary back-up device -- Oedipal reactions or not -- they are the 
primary way that one interacts with the world.  Even if one wanted to 
live a totally augmented life, one could not.

Of course the DOD shows keen videos of robotic 'soldiers' with 
definite killing potential, but show me a territory that can be held 
by only machines and not a human infrastructure on the ground, and 
I'll believe we have crested a new evolutionary synergy with 
machines.  Preferably I won't be around to enjoy the utopian pleasure 
of that society.

>vector we are headed on is machines as appendage. The narrative has already

is the tail wagging the dog or ... ?

>Google as a application of universal knowledge is bounded by the depth of our

universal?  please make that universal minus me -- I'd rather not be 
implicated in such a sweeping universe -- I know I'm a dolt, but hey, 
if there is such a thing as universal knowledge, then EveryBody is 
implicated, help!  something about re-arranging the deck chairs on 
the Titanic...

>own dynamic of sense possibillities. It's not like we have extraterrestial
>intelligence or some other form of superintelligence that is funnelling data
>into Google providing a extended array of knowledge architecture for us to
>dissect and analyze.

right, it is clear that there are humans riding the tiger, though 
it's not clear if anyone is really in control!


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