Any analog signal can be sampled and digitized. And any signal, to get to
our brain, needs to be reconverted in an analog signal (digits can be seen
only by the mind). 

The basic difference between the old and the new 'digital' media is that it
is based on solid-state electronics. Allowing this miniaturization and
computation, it makes information easily transferable.

The consequences are huge but I believe the base of it all is there.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Morlock Elloi
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: <nettime> Digital Humanities Manifesto

The problem at hand is a basic literacy. 'Digital' is used as a completely
unsuitable substitute for 'discrete'. Film is discrete, even images on the
computer monitor are discrete, but their internal representations can be
digital or not. The two are not related. 

> By the same token, traditional projected film is a digital system,
> since it's quantized into still images (frames),


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